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But since he was denied speech, he scorned the inarticulate mouthings of the lower animals. The vulgar mewing and yowling of the cat species was beneath him; he sometimes uttered a sort of articulate and well-bred ejaculation, when he wished to call attention to something that he considered remarkable, or to some want of his, but he never went whining about.

Pa went in my room, and up to the bed, and I could hear him say, 'Come out here and bring in that kindling wood, or I will start a fire on your base-burner with this strap. And then there was a yowling such as I never heard before, and Pa said, 'Helen Blazes, and the furniture in my room began to fall around and break. O, my!

Lord bless you! if I was to walk through their courtyards at night with a sack over my shoulders full of you knows what, and met one of 'em, he'd tell his dog to stop that yowling, and go in doors rather than see me. As for the rabbits, they hates they worse than poison. They knocks a hare over now and then themselves on the quiet bless you!

T., sir, shall we try another glass of that yellow sealed wine which you seem to like?" She a mother indeed! A sour-milk generation she would have nursed. She is always croaking, scolding, bullying yowling at the housemaids, snarling at Miss Raby, bowwowing after the little boys, barking after the big ones.

They sounded closer than they had the day before, and worry turned into fear. The rebels might not be wilderness experts, the way Nemra's Rescue Service people were, but it didn't take that kind of expert to tell the difference between a mountain-prowler's yowling and a sick man's fever-induced cries.

Dougal was glad to see Steenie, and brought him into the great oak parlour, and there sat the laird his leesome lane, excepting that he had beside him a great, ill-favoured jackanape, that was a special pet of his; a cankered beast it was, and mony an ill-natured trick it played ill to please it was, and easily angered ran about the haill castle, chattering and yowling, and pinching, and biting folk, specially before ill weather, or disturbances in the state.

The cabinet shook with a bump that would have upset it had it not been screwed fast to the wall. "Aw, now, don't do the baby-act, Tommy!" jeered Griffith. "Yowling like a bum, over a bath!" "Be game, old man!" chimed in Lord James. "Take your medicine." "Bu-but 'sh cole! W-whew!" "Stay with it, old man stay with it!" urged Lord James. "Don't lay down. Be a sport!" "G-gosh!

There he said a quaking good-bye to his last hope and executed the president's orders, trying not to notice the grins of the "goat" crew as they shunted the machinery into hiding. That night, after Jewel was asleep, and the cat outside had ceased yowling, Martin climbed stealthily out of bed and went on his knees, praying with all the fervour of his big being for snow. And the prayer was answered

As our footsteps sounded on the stone passage there arose from behind the kitchen door an utterly indescribable din of howling, yowling, squealing, scratching, and barking. "It's the dear boys!" said Eleanor, and she ran to open the door.

"When we have embarked upon this perilous voyage, let no mournful note swell out upon the breeze, to frighten beasts and men and fish into believing that Dave Thomas is once more trying to sing!" Immediately a mournful yowling began in the bow of the boat, growing louder as they drew away from shore.