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Howard; we don't want pay, and we'll do no end of work. Murty reckons you won't be sorry if you take on Captain Rainham." "Oh, Murty says that, does 'e?" asked the old man, visibly cheered. "Well, Murty ain't the man to barrack for a useless new-chum." "Great Scott, do you think I am?" demanded Jim, laughing. "Or my father?" "Yous cert'nly didn't ought to be," agreed Howard.

"DEAR FATHER AND MOTHER," it began, "I have pleasure in taking up my pen to rite yous those few lines hopping they find yous in good health as they leave us at this present thank you and God.

Tell him to hurry." Dey got me stuck up wid a gun see and I taken dis means of communication. 2 of der lads is gone down to set fire to de cain field below de hous and when yous fellers goes to turn de hoes on it de hole gang is goin to rob de hous of de money yoo gotto pay off wit say git a move on ye say de kid dropt dis sock in der rode tel her mery crismus de same as she told me.

I think an angel walks over the world after the sun sets . . . a great, tall, white angel, with silvery folded wings . . . and sings the flowers and birds to sleep. Children can hear him if they know how to listen. Then Mary Joe held up her hands all over flour and said, 'Well, yous are de queer leetle boy. Yous make me feel scare. And she really did looked scared.

"Well, as I was telling yous " "But this is delicious this is a conception of genius," said Mr. Wangelbecker all-embracingly, after he had picked up Anna-Felicitas's tablets and restored them to her with a low bow. "Charming, charming," said Mrs. Wangelbecker, looking round. "Real cunning," said Miss Wangelbecker, "as they say here."

The bleary eyes looked up unknowing, half resentful of his intrusion. "Aunt Sally!" impulsively cried the boyish voice. "Aren't you Aunt Sally?" The woman looked stupidly surprised. "I be," she said thickly, "but wot's that to yous? I beant no hant o' yourn." "Don't you remember Mikky?" he asked almost anxiously, for now the feeling had seized him that he must make her remember.

The waiter will lay another cover at once. Mr. W. D. will join us at supper, during which function he will enlighten us in regard to the circumstances that gave us the pleasure of his company." "Chewin' de stuffin' out 'n de dictionary, as usual, Boston," said Whistling Dick; "but t'anks all de same for de invitashun. I guess I finds meself here about de same way as yous guys.

Yer mean I've got ter marry Ada?" The old woman left the fire and stood in front of him. "Not a bit, Joe. I've give up that idea. Marriage wouldn't suit yous. Your dart is ter be King of the Push, an' knock about the streets with a lot of mudlarks as can't look a p'liceman straight in the face.

"Ada's lookin' fer yous, Jonah," said Chook. "Yer don't say so?" replied the hunchback, raising his leg to strike a match. "Was Pinkey with 'er?" he added. "D'ye mean a little moll wi' ginger hair?" asked Chook. Jonah nodded. "My oath, she was! Gi' me a knockout in one act," said Chook; and the others laughed. "Ginger fer pluck!" cried someone.

The night had grown wilder as the moon sank low, and the snow went past the door like rapid wafts of ghostly smoke. This newcomer stumbled into the room without ceremony, as if half blinded, and said breathlessly "Did any of yous be chance see an ould man goin' this road to-day? An ould ancient man, somethin' lame; be the name of Christie Dermody?"