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What do you say? Shall we have it out? Pistols in the woods there. You've got all your infernal crew around you, you know. Well? What? You won't? By Jove!" Girasole's gesture showed that he declined the proposition. "Inglis milor," said he, with a venomous glitter in his eyes, "I sall haf youair life wis de pistol, but not in de duello. I sall blow your brain out myself."

Don't speak in these confounded figures of speech, you know, but say up and down how much?" "De brigands haf talk you ovair, an' dey will haf no price." "What the devil is all that rot about?" "Dey will haf youair blood." "My blood?" "Yes." "And pray, my good fellow, what good is that going to do them?" "It is vengeance," said Girasole. "Vengeance? Pooh! Nonsense! What rot! What have I ever done?"

Oh, mees! my heart, my life, all arra youairs, an' I lay my life at youair foot." "I think it would be far more kind if you would put a chair at poor Kitty's feet," retorted Minnie, with some show of temper. "But, oh, carissima, tink de wild wood noting here no, noting not a chair only de straw." "Then you had no business to bring me here. You might have known that there were no chairs here.

I feel sad at de pain I haf give you, an' assuir you dat it was inevitabile. You sall not be troubled more. You are free. Mees," he continued, taking Minnie's hand, "you haf promis me dis fair han', an' you are mine. You come to one who loves you bettaire dan life, an' who you love. You owe youair life to me. I sall make it so happy as nevair was."