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That is one luxury I can indulge in even if I am broke; an' I'm sorry, but I can't give you cards. Seeing, however, as you are so friendly to the cause of liberty an' justice, suppose you lend me yore gun for about three minutes by the watch.

"But my wife did she " "I thought maybe you'd heered tell about that whilst you was down yon," said Shem in a dulled wonder. "The fall after you was took away yore woman she went over to the Tranthams. Yes, sir; she took up with the head devil of 'em all old Wyatt Trantham hisself and she went to live at his house up on the Yaller Banks." "Is she Did she "

"Is the greatest of human blessings to be obtained as a matter of course; to be plucked like fruit, or seized like a running stream? No, no: we must suffer, but we are wiser than of yore, we will not conspire. Conspiracies are for aristocrats, not for nations." "Alas, alas! I see nothing but woe," said Sybil.

Now that the archdeacon was away they could all trifle. Mr. Harding began by telling them in the most innocent manner imaginable an old legend about Mr. Arabin's new parish. There was, he said, in days of yore an illustrious priestess of St. Ewold, famed through the whole country for curing all manner of diseases.

Eight months astride a saddle in the sun and wind had wrought a change in Robert Dillon. "'Lo, Red Haid," the justice sang out squeakily. "How's yore good health? I heerd you was d-drowned. Is you is, or is you ain't? Sit down an' rest yore weary bones." "I took a swim," admitted Bob. "The boys fished me out while I was still kickin'." "Rivers all high?" "Not so high as they were.

Grind and his family, who had gone off with the Mormons, returning now in humility, like dogs with burnt tails. "Why, Grind, can it be you?" exclaimed Lionel, gazing with pity at the man's despairing aspect. He, poor meek Grind, not less meek and civil than of yore, sat down upon a bench and burst into tears. They gathered round him in crowds, while he told his tale.

Lead yore bosses down till we're outa easy shootin' distance, boys, 'n' then we'll head out fer where Luck ought t' be. If they fixed a trap fer us, they've fixed another fer him, chances is, 'n! the sooner us fellers git t'gether the better show we'll all of us have.

The eyes, however, from which she derived her name, still shone with undiminished lustre and benignity. "Bless you, old woman," said the hunter, giving his wife a hearty kiss, "you're as fond o' victuals as ever, I see." "At least my husband is, so I keep the pot boiling," retorted Brighteyes, with a smile, that proved her teeth to be as white as in days of yore. "Right, old girl, right.

Charles Count of Blois followed the example, and of the two thousand knights present, scarcely one hundred and fifty refused. The popular phrensy seemed on the point of breaking out as in the days of yore.

The heart of the young clergyman, tortured by anxious doubts, swelled at the sight of this magnificence, and Froebel, seeing what was passing in his mind, exclaimed: "Come, comrade, let us have one of our old war-songs." The musical "black Jager" of yore willingly assented; and how clearly and enthusiastically the chorus of boyish voices chimed in!