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She was scarcely curious as to the food, which consisted of some sort of vegetable and meat stew, together with butterless bread, a kind of small-grained corn on the cob, a yellowish root-vegetable not unlike turnips, and large quantities of berries. She was too hungry to be particular, and ate heartily of all that was offered, whether cooked or uncooked.

I was surprised to find it kept good so long: it is seldom known to go bad. One of the farmers on the Grodens drew water out of his well and handed me a glass to drink; it had a yellowish tinge, but except this I never saw clearer and have seldom tasted pleasanter spring water, and the beat tea I ever drank was made from rain water so preserved.

The path being strewn with the yellowish sand which is used instead of river-gravel, the Countess, who was sitting in the upper room of this little summer-house, did not hear the Colonel's approach, for she was too much preoccupied with the success of her business to pay the smallest attention to the slight noise made by her husband.

Her mother's hair was as black as ebony and as smooth as silk, and her yellowish complexion and the tinge of red in her cheeks seemed twice as beautiful as her own freckles. The growing child longed to be beautiful, although she did not exactly know why; and it disheartened and depressed her that she did not grow better-looking, in spite of all her fervent prayers.

He bought the four chief organs one green, one yellowish, one white, one pink and scanned them self-consciously on the platform. The white organ had a good heading: "Re-birth of the intellectual drama in London. What a provincial has done. Opinions of leading men." Two columns altogether! There was, however, little in the two columns. The leading men had practised a sagacious caution.

After passing the base of some high sand-hills, they came to a strong pass, of gentle descent, covered with loose fragments of quartz rock, a yellowish feldspar, and iron ore, very similar to the rocks in the Sebah district.

Only the keenest of ears could have noted that, for only the fraction of an instant later followed a sharp explosion, the darkness beyond being briefly lit up by a yellowish glare.

The largest is as big as a good Hen, the smaller the Bigness of a Snipe, or something bigger. The first is the same as in England; the second of a deep brown, with a great Topping, and yellowish white Throat and Breast, and is lesser than the former; the last is no bigger than a Wood-cock, and near the Colour of the second. I have seen above thirty sit on one Tree, at a time.

She could even read the words: The ways they are many and wide, and seldom are two ways the same. She entered. The girl glanced up, with eyes slowly changing from far-away dreaminess to present and practical pleasant blue eyes with lashes and brows of the same color as the thick, neatly done yellowish hair.

This he unwrapped, then gave a whoop of joy. "The fan I bought mother for Christmas!" he almost shouted. Something yellowish glinted and caught his eye down in the hole. Dick fished the object out. "Who's is this?" he queried, holding up a curiously engraved gold watch. "It looks like Dr. Bentley's," replied Dave Darrin, eying the timepiece.