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And the rebel yell of victory which he had heard too often was now swelling from thousands of throats, as the fierce sons of the South rushed upon their foe. But the North refused to abandon the battle here. These were splendid troops, so tenacious and so much bent upon victory that they scarcely needed leaders.

"Tom, why don't you travel in about the opposite direction?" Reade nodded. "Where shall I go?" asked Greg. "You had better remain right here," Prescott whispered. "If you should hear either of us yell for help then you could start in the direction of the sound." "Then I'll get into those bushes," whispered Greg.

By a last effort, and with a yell of triumph, Mordaunt dragged Athos into the water, compressing his throat, and winding his limbs round him like the coils of a serpent. Without uttering a word, or calling for help, Athos strove for a moment to maintain himself on the surface of the water.

O'er the watery gulf dread silence now lies, But the deep sends up a dull yell, And from mouth to mouth thus trembling it flies: "Courageous stripling, oh, fare thee well!" And duller and duller the howls recommence, While they pause in anxious and fearful suspense.

If he'd turned loose all his tricks like he done with Arizona, why most like Charley would never of had to take his turn. I'd be where he is now and he'd be doing the laughing. Anyway, boys, the bets are off. I don't take money on a sure thing." It brought a shout of protest which was immediately drowned in a hearty yell of applause.

On foot they continued their examination of the thickets, and the colonel sent for Sergeant Whitley, who confirmed his opinion that the enemy was before them. At his suggestion the Union force was spread out, lest it be flanked and annihilated in the thickets. Just as the movement was completed rifles began to crack in front and on both flanks, and the piercing yell of the South arose.

A wall instantly appeared to overhang us, with a funnel and masts above it, and our skipper's yell was lost in the thunder of a churning propeller. The air shuddered, and a siren hooted in the heavens. A long, dark body seemed minutes going by us, and our skipper's insults were taken in silence by her superior deck.

"I feel quite a tender affection for young pigs in my heart. Perhaps it would be more correct to say in my tum " "There they come!" cried I as a terrific yell from Jack sent the whole herd screaming down the hill.

"Men of Maryland!" he shouted, "charge that hill, hold Cornwallis in check and save the army!" We answered with a yell, as he sprang from his horse to lead us. Ah, I shall never forget the pride with which we stepped out of the mass of flying fugitives, four hundred Marylanders, the greatest dandies and bluest blood in all the army, for this, the proudest service of the day.

There was a shot, and the Indian rolled down the bank into the river. His expiring yell was answered by others. The reds were not far away. Frank McCarthy, missing Will, stationed guards, and ran back to look for him. He found the lad hauling the dead warrior ashore, and seizing his hand, cried out: "Well done, my boy; you've killed your first Indian, and done it like a man!"