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"Well, Tim, we will talk about your grandfather some other day," said Howard, who, as naturally may be supposed, was impatient for him to come to the point. "Yis, I was just through with him, but yees should never be overmuch in haste. Me blessed mother always told me that it was the same as being too slow, and if anybody could spake of the same, could me mother do it.

Briones apparently understood his meaning and the success of his stratagem. "You think you have saved HER from disgrace," he said, with a livid smile, in a lower tone and a desperate attempt to imitate Paul's coolness. "For the present ah yees! perhaps in this hotel and this evening. But you have not stop my mouth for a to-morrow and the whole world, Mr. Hathaway."

Why don't yees give the nager up dasently, an' don't be botherin'. An' isn't it the law of South Carolina, be dad; an' be the mortis, ye'd be getting' no small dale of a pinalty for the same yer doin'," said Dunn.

He drained off his brandy, and sallied forth to confer with the hostler. "Well, my friend," said Mr. Grabman, for the traveller was no other than that worthy, "well, so you remember Mrs. Joplin more than twenty years ago, eh?" "Ah, she seems to have been a restless body. She had a child with her?" "Yees, I moind that."

He looks just like any body else, don't he, boys?" "If yees don't travel mighty sudden, I'll make a scatterin' among yer," said the man, between his clenched teeth; "I'll be dog-gone if I don't shoot some o' yer;" and he reached for a long double-barrel shot-gun that stood behind his chair. "Avast, there, you old landlubber," exclaimed Simpson; "just drop that shootin' iron, will you.

He must bring him to the ground and escape from beneath him before he fell. He did it. For a second or two the contestants stood motionless. "I would be obleeged," said Terry, throwing back his head with laughter, "if yees will be koind enough to till me who is runnin' the show about this time."

The proffered friendship of the man he had helped to defeat rather upset him; but he was equal to the occasion. "Niver moind, sorr," he said, when he had quite recovered. "You're young yit. They've shoved yees out this toime, but wait awhoile. Yees'll be back." "No, Mr. Finn," replied Perkins, handing Finn a cigar.

Harvey, but thim savages says he's not an Injin, but a white man, and yees know they cannot be mistook fur they've got eyes like hawks, and sinses sharper than me only needle, which, begorrah, hasn't got a point." "Can it be that Bra that that hunter has done me this great wrong?" said the missionary, correcting himself so dextrously that his servant failed to observe it.

They call you a Levite, don't they? then I, the Widow Levy, has a good right to advise ye; we were all brothers and sisters once no offence in the time of Adam, sure, and we should help one another in all times. 'Tis my turn to help yees now, and, by the blessing, so I will accordingly I'll be sitting all day and night, mounting guard on your steps there without.

"Ye're a purty sailor, buttoned up in a long-tail coat, wid a white hankerchy round yer neck. Have ye been foolin' paple wid makin' 'em think ye're a Protestant praste?" "I've been blowin' glass, Sweeny," replied the sniffling voice of Phineas Glover. "Blowin' glass! Och, yees was always powerful at blowin'. But I niver heerd ye blow glass. It was big lies mostly whin I was a listing."