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Beside, fro wake lads, sick as yon, at's bin train't to nought but leet wark, an' a warm place to wortch in, what con yo expect? We'n had a deeal o' bother wi 'em abeawt bein' paid for weet days, when they couldn't wortch. They wur not paid for weet days at th' furst; an' they geet it into their yeds at Shorrock were to blame.

I con walk faster if yo' con, and so saying, the jaded woman sprang, like a stung horse, under the spur of love. 'But I have two lives to think of, replied Dr. Hale, 'both mother's and son's. 'Mine's naught, doctor, when he's i' danger. Who bothers their yeds abaat theirsels when them as they care more for are i' need? Let's hurry up, doctor.

Near her sat an oldish woman with an almost toothless mouth, who was chattering to her in a tone that Letty knew to be three parts hypocritical. "Well, the treuth is the men is that fool 'ardy when they gets a thing into their yeds, there's no taakin wi un.

Suddenly he was recalled to his position as the pastor of the church by the voice of old Enoch, mellow as the tones of the flute on which he so often tuned his soul in moods of sorrow and sin. How long Enoch had been talking Mr. Penrose knew not; but what he heard in the rude yet kindly vernacular of the moors was: 'Let's show mercy, lads! Noan o' us con howd up aar yeds baat it.

What did he come there for, 'moiderin 'Lias wi his divilments'? If he ever said a word of such things again, she'd lock the door on him, and he might go to Jenny Crum for his tea. Not a bite or a sup should he ever have in her house again. 'I meant no harm, said the boy doggedly. 'It wor he towd me about t' witch it wor he as put it into our yeds Louie an me. Margaret exclaimed.

"There's pictures of 'em in one of Master Noll's books. Crowns on their yeds, too." "There's one on 'em down 'tour house, Jin, but she ain't got no crown. But bless thee, wench, I'd sooner kiss thee than look at fifty quanes."

'Ee says they du take it by turns zo long as daylight du last, tu spy out wi' their microscopes, are zum zuch, as none of Sir Timothy's volk git tarking down this ways. A drop o' my zider might git tu their 'yeds," said the landlord, sarcastically, "though they drinks Sir Timothy's by the bucket-vull up tu Barracombe." "'Tis stronger than yars du be," said Happy Jack.

'E started an inch off the table and ate till 'e touched, as we say in Staffordsheer, and then sent for 'is baggage, and 'as lain 'ere ever since in the great bedchamber over y'r yeds, an' I'm thinking to call it the Duke's Room an' charge sixpence extra for it. It's worth another sixpence to sleep in the same bed as a duke's slep' in. If it ain't, by gom, I'd like to know what he is for.

"There baint no warter put tu't, Joe Gudewyn. The warter-varl be tu handy vur yure brewin'." "Zum of my customers has weak 'yeds, 'tis arl the better for they," said Goodwyn, calmly. "Then charge 'em accardin', Mr. Landlord, charge 'em accardin', zays I. Warter doan't cost 'ee nart, du 'un?" said Happy Jack, triumphantly.