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After she had dropped upon her cot for the night, she lifted her head and ventured to ask what those people had been about. "Don' ye know, chile? We's had a praisin'-meetin'. We has 'em ebery week, one week it's here, and one week it's ober to General Doolittle's, ober de hill yonder. Ef ye's a good chile, honey, ye shall go wid yer old mammy some time, ye shall." "What do you do?" asked Tidy.

No more o' ye's goin' to l'ave this room 'till I gits nine dollars and sixty cints. Here, Macaroni' and he called the Italian 'ring up the station-house and till thim to sind somebody 'round. Ye can't play that game on me!" "'My dear fellow, I said I had now to be as courteous as I could 'I don't want to play anything on you.

An angry sparkle began to assert itself in Barney's blue eyes, and he remarked drily, as he took his hat, "Yez moight wait longer than yez bargained for." The shrewd girl saw that she was at the length of her chain, and sprung up, saying: "Oh, well, since the mistress invited ye so politely, ye's company, and it's me duty to thry to entertain ye.

"Well, what do you think of that!" exclaimed Pepper, when Win had gone. "Shure, an' phat mischief are ye's plotting now?" demanded Gerald, who came across the lawn as his brother slipped away. "More monkey tricks," responded Rand. "Monkey is going to surprise us to-night." "Is he now?" asked Gerald; "and phat is he up to now?"

"Is it Misther Kidd's money ye's is afther?" he enquired, querulously, putting his elbows on his knees and resting his head in his hands. "Much luck may ye's have finding it. Divel a cint meself iver saw uv Misther Kidd's money, an' we've liv'd here this two years an' more. It's mighty little uv any other man's money not enough, troth, to get bread for the childher have we seen."

Then, with a sudden sadness, she added: "I've got three chil'ren in Carolina. They've sold two on 'em; but they've left me my little Benny, eight years old. They wouldn't have brought me here, if they hadn't known Benny would pull me back." "We'll buy your children," said Rosa. "Bless ye, Missy Rosy!" she exclaimed. "Ye's got the same kind heart ye always had.

"Here it is, boys," said he; "yer four pound, but ye's better take soup, cos ye'll niver cook that bone, anyhow." "Do you think we're like dogs, to eat such filth as that? No! I'd rather starve!" said Manuel. "Indeed, an' ye'll larn to ate any thing win ye'd be here a month.

"Ye looks like a lady for all de world, honey; I 'clare dese yer old eyes neber would a thought 'twas you, in dis yer fine dress hi, hi, hi! Specs nobody'll tink ye's run away. De old nuss hates to part wid her chile; but ef ye must go, ye must, and de bressed Lord go wid ye, and keep ye safe."

As I'm a man only wan half." "Go an to y'r condinsation, Coolin, fer the face uv ye's not fit fer dacint company, wan side paralytic wid lyin', an' the other struck simple wid tellin' the truth. An' see, Coolin, fer the warnin' she give ye fer me, the kit I lave is yours, an' what more, be the will uv God! An' what ye've told me ye'll kape to y'self, Coolin, or hell shall be your portion."

I never heard the song before." "No more you did. And I wish I could see the lad that wrote that song, livin' or dead. If one of ye's will tell me about your tobogan rides, I'll unfold about Farcalladen Rise." Prince Levis passed the liquor. Pretty Pierre, seated on a candle-box, with a glass in his delicate fingers, said: "Eh, well, the Honourable has much language.