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"I'm afraid you want to know more than is good for you. What do the papers say? I haven't looked at one all day." "They say there was a misunderstanding of orders. That will answer for the public, perhaps, but it won't do for me." "I guess it will have to do for you, too, Grantham," said Kent, yawning shamelessly.

"It'll only end in your wishing for something you don't really want, as you did about the castle," said the Psammead, stretching its brown arms and yawning. "It's always the same since people left off eating really wholesome things. However, have it your own way. Good-bye." "Good-bye," said Cyril politely.

Some Light With a Few Side-lights The real spring in New York comes when blundering nature has painted the outer wilderness for autumn. What is called "spring" in the city by unreflecting users of the word is a tame, insipid season yawning into not more than half-wakefulness at best.

'If it was one of your giant-gapes, papa, I should call it more than a hint, said Molly. 'And if you want a yawning chorus the next time he comes, I'll join in; won't you, Cynthia? 'I don't know, replied the latter, shortly, as she lighted her bed- candle.

Though there were no clouds, the sun was invisible: as far as we could see, beyond the Jordan, and away southward to the mountains of Moab and the cliffs of Engaddi, the whole country was covered as with the smoke of a furnace; and the furious sirocco, that threatened to topple us down the gulfs yawning on either hand, had no coolness on its wings.

A few thousand scattering shares he had already picked up, and now, from the faction who were willing to sell, he secured an option on 242,000 shares, which, together with the odd shares already secured, would put his friends in control of the property. As news of the proposed sale got out, the gorge that was yawning between the two factions grew wider.

Upon other theatres, Bellona presented him with several men-at-arms, tied in a bundle; Fame gave him her trumpet, and Glory her crown. Upon one stage Quintus Curtius, on horseback, was seen plunging into the yawning abyss; upon six others Scipio Africanus was exhibited, as he appeared in the most picturesque moments of his career.

They arose together and walked quietly to the woods. Once within its gorgeous shades, all their cheerfulness came back, and the squirrels that peeped at them through the branches, and rattled nuts over their heads from the yawning chestnut buds, were not more full of simple enjoyment than they were.

To all of which I listened, thinking of the wide-open, innocent eyes of the picture, and shedding tears within my soul. So must the gods feel as they look down upon the affairs of mortals, seeing how they destroy themselves by ignorance and folly, seeing how they walk into the future as a blind man into a yawning abyss. I gave, of course, due weight to the sneers of Claire.

Bruce rose to his feet and stretched himself, an after-supper operation that always preceded his announcement that he was going to turn in. "Fine day to-morrow," he said, yawning. "Look how white the snow is on the peaks." "Bruce " "What?" "How heavy is this bear we're after?" "Twelve hundred pounds mebby a little more. I didn't have the pleasure of lookin' at him so close as you did, Jimmy.