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She saw nothing; she felt nothing but the pain which her own thoughts brought her. Suddenly the sound of something moving outside became audible. There was the noisy yawn of some large animal rising from its rest. Then came the slow, heavy patter of the creature's feet. Neche approached the window. His fierce-looking head stood well above the sill.

She would alter her point of view as soon as the first surprise of being free had worn off and then he would speak; then he would ask her to throw in her lot with his and walk in step with him along the street of adventure. "I sha'n't see the sun rise on this great day," she said, letting a yawn have full play. "I'm sleepy, Marty.

And now there was nothing left, and he felt that fate had used him scurrilously. He was twenty-eight, and had exhausted life. He had nothing left but to yawn through weary years and wish he had never been born. He clasped his hands behind his head and looked out on the brilliant crowd from his chair in the Café de la Cascade in the Bois.

We had got to the point where we couldn't be interested in anything any more. We were as little ones unable to prop their eyelids open and yet quarreling with bed. We were surfeited, but not satisfied. We sat there and pouted because there wasn't any more, and yet we couldn't but yawn at the act before us. We were mad at ourselves, and mad at everybody else.

I wanted to rub my eyes, yawn, and stretch out on the soft blue rug. Instead, I sat there spellbound, drifting in and out of a dreamless sleep. At one point, I woke and heard, "When you attain enlightenment, your selves dissolve in the clear light of the void. Maybe you exist, maybe you don't. It no longer matters."

"Between Mrs. Vanderbridge and the Other One?" Her look answered me. "You think, then, that she means harm to her?" "I don't know. Nobody knows but she is killing her." The clock struck ten, and I returned to my book with a yawn, while Hopkins gathered up her work and went out, after wishing me a formal good night.

Then he gave a prolonged yawn, opening his mouth as wide as possible. Then he lazily put his hand into his waistcoat-pocket, pulled out a huge gold watch in a round hunter's case, opened it, looked at it and as slowly and lazily proceeded to put it back. Raskolnikov himself lay without speaking, on his back, gazing persistently, though without understanding, at the stranger.

On the whole I have had a very good time." Aunt Raby opened her mouth to emit a prodigious yawn. "I don't know how it is," she said, "but I'm a bit drowsy to-night. I suppose it's the weather. The day was quite a muggy one. I'll hear your news another time, Priscilla; but don't you be turned with the vanities of the world, Priscilla.

It gives me a feeling in my chest like indigestion and bronchitis combined but I'll make the effort." So he went over and joined the Anglo-American, and began to talk with him in an easy, friendly sort of way. "Won't you come over by the fire," he said. "I think we are going to play some games the girls have planned." "Thanks, no," said the other, stifling a yawn. "I think I'll retire.

Then a dark, irregular line, running right and left, and roughly parallel with the crest of the range, came into view. It was an eighth of a mile in length and the narrow width rapidly increased until there was a rent or yawn of several hundred feet, zigzagging from one side to the other.