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"Yas, sir, dat medcin is good for all diseases, an' I take sum mysef when dar is nuffin de matter wid me." Mrs. Ridley, who was sitting listening to the conversation, happened to look toward the road gate, and saw some one coming in. All eyes were now turned toward the approaching stranger, and all were anxious to know who it could be.

If your master doesn't want you for a minute, step across to Mr. Brown's and tell him to send me three cocktails." "Yas, suh," responded Jerry, hesitating. The general had said nothing about paying. "And tell him, Jerry, to charge them. I'm short of change to-day."

"Step right in, suh, yas, suh, an' make yo'self to home, suh. Sit right down front of de fiah, Marse Kenny. Ah won't be more'n two shakes, suh, stablin' yas, suh! Come on hyar, yo' Brandy Boy! Ise gwine show yo' whar yo's gwine to be de happies' hoss in yas, suh, yas, suh!" The young man looked long and searchingly through the trees before entering the house, but saw no sign of his neighbours.

The black woman turned and looked behind her to make sure that no one should overhear. Then, lowering her voice, she whispered: "Her grave 'ain't nuver settled yit, mistus. She been buried ever sence befo' Christmus, an' hit ain't evened down yit. An' dat's a shore sign of a onrestless sperit yas, 'm." Her face had grown suddenly anxious as she spoke.

See? Here's a dollar down in advance. Tell Fred Mr. Thompson sent you that's me, Thompson. He'll give it to you I told him I'd send for it. I'll be waiting right here. If you get back with it in seven minutes I'll give you another dollar and if you get back inside of seven minutes I'll make it two dollars more. Got the number in your mind?" "Yas, suh three seventy-fo' Wes' Forty-fift', you said."

For instance, when Apollo first asked her to marry him it had been his habit to propose to her every day or so for a year or two past she glanced at him askance from head to foot, and then she said: "Why, yas. Dat is, I s'pose, of co'se, you's de sample. I'd order a full-size by you in a minute."

Hyah, hyah, I ain't bin much on hol'in' de reins sence. "Sh! dey comin' in to wa'm up. Dat Jim, dat Jim, dat my boy; you nasty putrid little rascal. Des a hundred an' eight, suh, des a hundred an' eight. Yas, suh, dat's my Jim; I don't know whaih he gits his dev'ment at. "What's de mattah wid dat boy? Whyn't he hunch hisse'f up on dat saddle right?

"Why, Tamar," she exclaimed, "what on earth " At this Tamar raised her face and smiled faintly. Then, glancing down at her dress to indicate that she understood, she drawled, demurely: "Ain't nothin' de matter, missy. I jes mo'nin' for Sister Sophy-Sophia." "Sophy-Sophia! You don't mean " "Yas, 'm, I does. I means Pompey's las' wife, Sis' Sophy-Sophia.

Oh, yas, sir; he b'longs to all three schools to fo' for that matter, countin' the home school. You see, Sonny he's purty ticklish to handle, an' a person has to know thess how to tackle him.

"You you white trash!" cried Mammy, bursting with indignation. "Who is you to come heah 'quiring fo' her! I ain't agwine " "Mammy!" "Yas'm! Yas, Miss Jinny." Mammy backed out of the door and clutched at her bandanna. "Mammy, what is all this noise about?" The torrent was loosed once more. "These heah men, Miss Jinny, was gwine f'r t' carry away all yo' pa's blongin's.