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"Dar's yar Presidio!" said the negro coachman a few moments later, pointing with his whip, "and dar's yar Wash'woman's Bay!" Uncle Billy stared.

What do you want? I inquired. "`Something that ought to grow about yar, else I'm mightily mistaken in the sign. Let me try down yonder, and Dick pointed to a piece of low swampy ground that lay to one side of our course. "I assented, and followed him to the place.

Why, ole Zip carried 'im in yar in dese berry arms. Mass'r an young missa come 'shore on de Lebee, down dar jes by de gate. Missa shout black folks come out an find um white genl'um all blood he faint, an missa have him carried in yar." "And after?" "Zip he mount fastest hoss ole White Fox an gallop for de doctor gallop like de debil, too.

The boy sprung into the wagon, glad of the opportunity of getting rid of what looked like a dangerous man. Before he could start he was again peremptorily stopped. 'Yer see, I b'leeve yar a humbug, but if that ole thing does run, and, mind, I tell yer, I don't b'leeve it will, do yer know what I'm goin' to do? 'I do not. 'I'm goin' to take it myself to chase rod-skins in.

"I thought that you," he stammered, conscious of an awkward coloring, "I that is I " He stopped short, for she was already cramming her apron into her mouth, too late, however, to stop the laugh that overflowed it. When she found her breath again, she said, "Look yar! I don't wonder they said you was looney! I'm Trinidad Joe's onmarried darter, and the only woman in this house.

'Thar be some of the skunks that are creep-in 'long shore, said he; 'you'd better run in under this yar tree and hold fast awhile. The warning was heeded. Just below them, the luxuriant branches of an oak, dipped in the current, formed an impenetrable screen. As the log, guided thither, floated beneath this, Mickey and Ethan both caught hold of the branches and held themselves motionless.

"Foh de Lord, sah, I doan dar go in, an' yar know marse neber drink no spirits till de day's work dun." "Make a dish of tea, then, you old coward, and I'll take it to him so soon as I get these slops off me. 'Fore George! How small-clothes stick when they 're wet!"

Ye kin pick dis yar insek, dis caterpillier," she said, pointing to Faulkner, "off my paf. Ye kin tell dis yar chipmunk dat when he comes to showin' me mule tracks for b'ar tracks, he's barkin' up de wrong tree! Dat when he tells me dat he sees panfers a-promenadin' round in de short grass or hidin' behime rocks in de open, he hain't talkin' to no nigger chile, but a growed woman!

Arter no good, I guess; you'd better put it 'bout straight. I see'd yer torking to the hands yonder none o' yer 'mancipator doctrines yar."

Ye know Smiley, over yar, Jim Smiley, funniest man in the Bar? Well, Jim was jest telling the richest yarn about " "Smiley's a fool," interrupted a gloomy voice. "A particular skunk," added another in sepulchral accents. A silence followed these positive statements. The Old Man glanced quickly around the group. Then his face slowly changed.