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Another castle, handsomer yet, wuz the castle of Linderhof, which stands in stately magnificence at the foot of the mountain, but furder away from it. Rows of clipped evergreens stand along its white terraces and masses of foliage on each side.

Wiley wuz one er dese yer shiny-eyed, double-headed little niggers, sha'p ez a steel trap, en sly ez de fox w'at keep out'n it. Dis yer Wiley had be'n pesterin' Dilsey 'fo' she come ter our plantation, en had nigh 'bout worried de life out'n her. She did n' keer nuffin fer 'im, but he pestered her so she ha' ter th'eaten ter tell her marster fer ter make Wiley let her 'lone.

Oh! there wuz likely wimmen amongst the British, I haint a doubt of it, and men too. And then we clim a long flight of stairs and we see some more pictures, all round that room. Alto relieved agin, or he must have been relieved, and happified to see 'em, they wuz so impressive. I myself had from 25 to 30 emotions a minute while I stood a lookin' at em big lofty emotions too.

Wall, Lodema Trumble arrove the next mornin' bright and early I mean the mornin' wuz bright, not Lodema oh no, fur from it; Lodema is never bright and cheerful she is the opposite and reverse always. She is a old maiden. I guess Lodema is one of the regular sort. There is different kinds of old maidens, some that could marry if they would, and some that would but couldn't.

And then there wuz agreements with Foreign Powers, and some of them Powers' own handwritin' photographed; and lots of treaties made by Uncle Sam some of 'em, especially them with the Injuns, I guess the least said about the soonest mended, but the biggest heft on 'em I guess he has kept

And I do know that the supper afterwards wuz, although well I know the impoliteness of my even hintin' at it I do know, and I should lie if I said that I didn't know it, that that supper wuz a good one as good a one, so fur as my knowledge goes, as wuz ever put on a table in the town of Lyme, or the village of Jonesville. And Josiah Allen, he eat too much fur, fur too much.

But I do know that they started off a-fishin' the very day we left for Loontown, and that they come back home about the time we did, with two long strings of trout. And there wuz them that said that they ketched the trout, and them that said they bought 'em. And they brung back the antlers of a deer in their game bags, and some bones of a elk.

And as my companion looked down in my face as the time approached, I could see the same thoughts that wuz writ in my eyes a-shinin' in his'n. Wall, as the pinter approached the hour, the excitement grew nearly, if not quite rampant.

They watched the child in silence for a few minutes and then Mary detached a gold locket from his neck and bore it to the kitchen for examination. "Ye gotta move quick, Hop," Humpy urged. "The white card's what we wuz all goin' to play. We wuz fixed nice here, an' things goin' easy; an' the yard full o' br'ilers. I don't want to do no more time. I'm an ole man, Hop."

"I wuz I am mistook in my jedgments worse'n the men o' Marblehead," said Disko, as though the words were being windlassed out of him. "I don't mind ownin' to you, Mr. Cheyne, as I mistrusted the boy to be crazy. He talked kinder odd about money." "So he told me." "Did he tell ye anything else? 'Cause I pounded him once." This with a somewhat anxious glance at Mrs. Cheyne.