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A wave of revulsion swept over the teacher, and involuntarily she stepped back. The negro looked up and grinned. "De hatchet des cut 'e foot a little bit; but I trow de hatchet. I ent tech um; no, ma'm. Den atterwards 'e baby daid; den dey say I muss stay yer fuhrebber. I ent sorry, 'kase I know say I hab to wuck anywheys I is; if I stay yer, if I go 'way, I hab to wuck.

"The nigger is sore in a minute. "'You is suttanly hahd to please, white man, he says. 'Ain' no finah colts in Kaintucky dan dem. "'That may be so, but how about Tennessee? I says, just to get him goin'. "'Tennessee! Tennessee! he says. 'What you talkin' 'bout? Why, we does de fahm wuck wid likelier colts dan dey sends to de races. "'I've seed some nifty babies down there, I says.

The Persimmon absorbed this with a far-away look in his half-closed eyes. "It's a ticklish job," argued Parson Ranson, "an' I wouldn't want to wuck at de debbil's task aroun' de ribber, ca'se you mout fall in, Persimmon, an' git drownded." "I wouldn't do sich a thing a-tall," admitted the Persimmon, "but I jes' natchelly got to git ten dollars to he'p pay on my divo'ce."

De same Lawd what give' ev'y man a wuck he cayn't do ef he ain't dat man, give' ev'y ra-ace a wuck dey cayn't do ef dey ain't dat ra-ace." I fancy he had been years revolving that into a formula; or he may have merely heard some master or mistress say it. "Still," I suggested, "races have crossed, and made new and better ones." "I don't 'spute dat, suh; no, suh.

Aun' Sheba had heard and recognized his voice, and she went through the throng like a puffing tug through driftwood. "Mister Buggone," she said, with the sternness of fate, "ef yer doan stop yer noise you'se 'lowance stop heah and now. Yer'll hab ter wuck shuah or starbe, fer if yer doan come wid me now yer neber come agin." Uncle Sheba went away with her, meek as a lamb.

"No, honey, I ain't seed 'im wen he wuz dat way; dat wuz fo' my time; but den I know hit's de truf, do; his tail wuz er clar blue dout'n no eyes on it; an' he wuz er pow'ful proud bird, an', 'stid er him 'ten'in ter his bizness, he des prumeraded de streets an' de roads, an' he felt hisse'f too big fur ter ten' ter his wuck.

I declar', Mason, I wish you'd do sich wuck in the kitchen or stable. Folks'll think I ain't no sort o' housekeepah." "How's Mrs. Gilcrest?" asked Mrs. Rogers a moment later, as she shook hands with Major Gilcrest and nodded to his boys, Martin Luther and Silas. "Wish she'd come with you, but I reckon she's feared to be out in the night air." "Why didn't Betsy come?" Susan asked.

Leonidas Conway my daughters work in the mill by the side of that poor trash from the mountains? I'll see you damned first." He sat down he bowed his head in his hands. A glinty look came into his eyes. Jud drew his chair up closer: "But jes' think a minute you're sold out you've got no whur to go, you've wuck'd yo'self down tryin' to save the farm. We've all got to wuck these days.

Buggone, de Bible says dat dem dat doesn't wuck mus'n't eat, an' I'se gwine ter stick ter de Bible troo tick an' tin. You'se able to wuck as I be, an' you'se 'lowance now 'pends on you'se wuck." We have already seen that Uncle Sheba was one of those philosophers who always submit to the inevitable.

"Thar's lots o' wuck to be did to-morrow, an' the only way to git it did, is to tek a good holt on the day at the start, an' set it squarely on its laigs." "This process of 'setting the day on its legs' is certainly a noisy one," was Abner's first thought next morning as he awoke in the gray dawn to find that the place beside him in the big feather bed had already been vacated by Henry.