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Rose was there with a big blanket in which to wrap the baby while they carried her up to the house. Sarah the nurse was there, and soon Gladys, warmed and fed and arrayed in dry clothes, was pronounced by all to be none the worse for her thrilling experience. Dolly, however, was exhausted. Mrs. Rose, after leaving the baby to the nurse, hurried Dolly home and put her to bed.

And Haco, rising, took her by the hand, while the Earl turned to his sister that sister whom he was pledged to send to the Norman court; and Thyra said, plaintively: "Take me in thine arms, Harold, and wrap thy mantle round me, for the air is cold."

One great gain for the world was the passionate love of justice and freedom which this aroused in him, as shown in the stanzas from The Revolt of Islam Thoughts of great deeds were mine, dear friend, when first The clouds which wrap this world from youth did pass. There can be no doubt that these verses are truly autobiographical; they indicate a first determination to war against tyranny.

She wore a morning wrap of red velvet and gold lace, and looked, in that costly attire, like a princess or a banker's wife. "You must be very cold and tired," she said; "the coffee is ready, come at once to breakfast that will put some warmth into you you can dress afterward."

Le Brux's eyes bulged with comprehension. He thumped his resounding chest. "Me!" he cried "me, a wet nurse!" He yanked open another button of his smock. "Behold me! Have I the attributes?" Leighton turned his back on him. "Now you are ranting," he said. He picked up an old newspaper from the floor and started to wrap up the cast he had bought. "Now listen, Maître.

Early in that morning when he had taken upon himself Hermas' guilt he had abjured wearing his sheepskin; now his body, accustomed to the warm wrap, suffered severely, and his blood coursed with fevered haste through his veins since the efforts, night-watches, and excitement of the last few days.

Squire Boatfield did his best to wrap the disappearance of his whilom friend in impenetrable veils of mystery. He was a humane and a kindly man and feeling that the guilty had been amply punished, he set to work to cheer and to rehabilitate the innocent.

If Miss Laura comes out in the park now, she must wrap herself up warm, and walk fast, and not go getting the cold shivers for the sake of drawing a parcel of stumps of trees and such-like tomfoolery." Mrs. Madden made this observation in rather an unpleasant tone of voice one morning when the baronet pleaded for another drawing-lesson.

Horrible as it was, she thought it would be easier to let it steal behind her and wrap her in its burning embrace than to drop from these dizzy heights down through that terrible distance, to hear her own bones snap as she touched the quilt, and to see her own blood staining the ground. 'She'll burn, sure, said a man. 'Well, she's half-witted that's one comfort!

Another prize rewarded their search, a pearl not so fine as the one Steve had discovered, but so perfect in shape, and so milk-white in color, that they agreed it ranked with any of the rest in value. So Max was very careful to wrap this last prize up in some paper, and thrust it into the haversack, with all his comrades looking on, especially Steve.