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To the Worshipful and my very friend Master Richard Hakluyt, much happinesse in the Lord. And what euents happened vnto vs in this our iourney, you shall plainely perceiue by the sequele of my discourse. There were at the time aforesaid three ships absolutely determined to goe for the West Indies, at the speciall charges of M. Iohn Wattes of London Marchant.

Russelton received them with his usual coldness, but more than his usual civility, for he followed me to the door. Just as they were about to shut it, he called me back. "Mr. Pelham," said he, "Mr. An old worshipful gentleman, that had a great estate, And kept a brave old house at a hospitable rate. Old Song.

There was no vice in the creature, but there was mighty little sense. He lived in awe of the great and rich, and a nod from a big planter would make him happy for a week. He used to deafen me with tales of Colonel Randolph, and worshipful Mr. Carew, and Colonel Byrd's new house at Westover, and the rare fashion in cravats that young Mr. Mason showed at the last Surrey horse-racing.

The compassion of his love for her, as she saw it, made her lift up her heart to him in devotion. He would sometimes catch her large, worshipful eyes, that had no bottom to them looking at him from their depths, as if she saw something immortal before her. She dismissed the past trod upon it and put it out, as one treads on a coal that is smouldering and dangerous.

You must not, if you are so late, complain of me hereafter, when the lacet of my bodice troubles me, or the plaits of my hair refuse to keep their place, and so I delay thee unreasonably, as thou sayest, though it is all to honor thee; for would it not be unbeseeming for the help-meet of a worshipful Assistant to appear like a common mechanic's wife?

The Queen hath much pity of the damsel, for she was of right great beauty, and well might it be seen by her cheer and her semblant that no joy had she. She had told the Queen her name and the name of her father and mother, and the Queen told her that many a time had she heard tell of Alain li Gros, and that he was said to be a worshipful man and good knight.

I have a young acquaintance to make known to you, who is touched with some strain of a better spirit than belongs to these giddy-paced times reveres his elders, and has a pretty notion of the classics and, as such a youth must have a natural contempt for the people about Fairport, I wish to show him some rational as well as worshipful society. I am, Dear Sir Arthur, etc. etc. etc."

Thereupon he commenced a series of strange gesticulations, and ended by blinking at the window, saying, "No, no; it is impossible to explain. I have no voice; I am not, gifted. It is," he tapped at his chest, "it is here. It is, imprisoned in me." "What?" said Vittoria, to encourage him. "It can never be explained, my child. Am I not respectful to you? Am I not worshipful to you?

But the right worshipful heroine of Romance was the front-face female picture he had won for his walls.

Poor woman! but I haven't any pity for her. It sometimes seems to me the more worshipful I feel the less I want to go to church. I don't know why it is, but these forms, simple though they are, trouble me. The moment an emotion, especially a religious emotion, becomes an institution, it somehow loses life.