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He wished that Ralph had not been so womanish, or else that he had more diplomatically concealed his own opinions, to which, indeed, Ralph had admitted his right. Condemnation from Ralph was the one thing he could not bear, but, after all, was it needful that Ralph should know? The experiment would not take long, as he wished to satisfy himself on but one minor point.

Having managed to deprive us of our weapons, Lord Roos thinks himself secure. But he will find his mistake when this document is produced to confound him." "I tremble at the thought," groaned the Secretary of State. "These fears are worse than womanish," exclaimed his lady. "Shake them off, and be yourself. Who is to prove that the confession proceeds not from the Countess?

And besides I verily think since in the multitude of counsellors there is safety that if she had acquainted the congregation with it, and desired them to spend some time in prayer to God about it, and if she must have had him, to have received him as to his godliness upon the judgment of others, rather than her own she knowing them to be godly and judicious and unbiased men she had had more peace all her life after, than to trust to her own poor, raw, womanish judgment as she did.

"O, what a day is this! what a day is this!" said the poor mother, her womanish affliction already exhausted by sobs and tears, and now almost lost in terror for the state in which she beheld her husband "O, what an hour is this! and naebody to help a poor lone woman O, gudemither, could ye but speak a word to him! wad ye but bid him be comforted!"

She had seen other great generals in the armies of the Allies before today, but never one who had made such an impression. General Alexis and the priest paused by the bedside of the Russian boy who was Mildred's patient. There the great man's face softened until it became almost womanish in its sympathy. Slowly and reverently the dying boy attempted to raise his general's hand to his lips.

Oh, just to have one adventure before I go home!" she continued with a long sigh, "a real adventure with a real man in it not a horrid, womanish Frenchman or a stolid, conceited Britisher, but a nice, safe American like like like my American."

'What's yet behind, must be Alida, the tormenting baggage! who has been playing hide-and-seek with us, for no other reason than to satisfy her womanish vanity, by showing how uncomfortable she could make three grave and responsible men. Let the boat go, Master Tiller, since that is thy name; and many thanks for thy civilities."

For a moment he was overpowered, and dropped into a chair, covering his eyes with his hands; perhaps because he could not bear the sight of objects which called up such agonizing recollections; perhaps because his eyes were dim with too womanish a moisture.

The solemn admonitions he had just heard affected him deeply, for the reason that they appeared to apply so specially to Sah-luma, and the idea that any evil fate was in store for the bright, beautiful creature, whom he had, oddly enough, learned to love more than himself, moved him to an almost womanish apprehension.

I had no repugnance then why should I now have? to those little, lawless, azure-tinctured grotesques, that, under the notion of men and women, float about, uncircumscribed by any element in that world before perspective a china tea-cup. I love the men with women's faces, and women, if possible, with still more womanish expressions.