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More than once they had smelt that dreaded destroyer of the north that men call the Gjerv or Wolverene; and one day, as this danger-scent came suddenly and in great strength, a huge blot of dark brown sprang rumbling from a rocky ledge, and straight for the foremost the White Calf. His eye caught the flash of a whirling, shaggy mass, with gleaming teeth and eyes, hot-breathed and ferocious.

The Wolverene left off his playful patting of the branches and showed his teeth in an ugly smile. "All right," he said resentfully. "I know what that means, of course. The Beavers have been setting you against me, just as I thought. They had better look out, for I have only been waiting until they grew a bit fatter. That 'Father Beaver' of yours will make me a remarkably good supper.

These are usually sorry for their idleness when it is too late, for they are often captured by fur hunters, who know where to look for them, and easily dig them out. That is, if IT does not find them first." "IT?" questioned Phil, snuggling closer to Father Beaver and speaking in an awed whisper. "The Wolverene," he amended.

All this, of course, was mere fable; but it is not without some foundation in fact: for the Rosomak is, in reality, one of the greatest gluttons among carnivorous animals. So, too, is his cousin, the wolverene of America; as the fur trappers have had sad reasons to know whenever the creature has come upon a store of their provisions.

This was my time; and glancing up the barrel of my rifle, I aimed directly for his heart. At the crack, the astonished beavers leaped back into the water, while the wolverene dropped from his perch a little sooner, perhaps, than he had intended and rolled over the ground evidently wounded.

To have hung them on the trees, would have put them out of the reach of both wolves and foxes; but the lynx and wolverene are both tree-climbers, and could easily have got at them there. They had reason to believe there were wolverenes about; for these fierce and destructive beasts are found in every part of the fur countries wherever there exist other animals upon which they can prey.

Buffon and others have given credence to these tales upon the authority of one "Olaus Magnus," whose name, from the circumstance, might be translated "great fibber." There is no doubt, however, that the glutton is one of the most sagacious of animals, and so, too, is the wolverene. The latter gives proof of this by many of his habits; one in particular fully illustrates his cunning. It is this.

To this Norman also objected, saying that the wolverene could pull off any stones they were able to pile upon them as this creature in its fore-legs possesses more than the strength of a man.

Around them, on trees, nest the swift lynx and the greedy wolverene, as watchful ministers; but farther on, as subordinate, noble vassals, dwell wild boars, wolves, and horned elks. Above their heads are the falcons and wild eagles, who live from the lords’ tables, as court parasites.

"Of course," assented Francois, at the same time going towards the willows; "get you the canoe into the water, while I cut the sapling." "Stay!" cried Basil, "I'll show you a shorter method. Marengo!" As Basil said this, he rose to his feet, and walked down to the bluff where they had shot the wolverene.