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But the laugh of hearty good fellowship which followed his next remark was a trifle overdone "Ain't afraid of bombs, are you? Don't you know that the war is over yet?" The Interpreter obligingly laughed at the merry witticism, as he answered, "There is light enough out here under the stars to think by. How are you, Adam Ward?"

He himself declares that his real work is almost entirely personal. I have heard him speak with some contempt of preaching, quoting the witticism of a friend that "Anglican preaching is much worse than it really need be," or words to that effect. He likes ceremonial and private confidence. He has the instincts of a priest. His patients appear to be the wreckage of psychoanalysis.

Yet the comic writers of Paris imagine that they show wit when they pepper their comments with disjointed, irrelevant, and misspelt ejaculations in our vernacular. 'All right' appears daily as a witticism; 'Oh, yes! serves for the thousandth time as a touch of humour. The reason is obvious. French critics are wholly ignorant of our language.

Some poor witticism followed from a third party about the 'Butterfly's' having run herself off her legs the first time she ever ran at all; and then Mrs. Renney went on. "Is the storm so bad, Hannah?" "Pretty thick can't see far ahead I hope we'll make out to find our way in that's all I care for." "How far are we?"

The ugly industrial town had then been little injured by shells, though every now and then it received its share. The Huns sometimes playfully directed against it French 220's captured at Maubeuge, and to point the witticism sent over a few duds inscribed 'Un Souvenir de Maubeuge. So passed seven weeks during which we learned the routine of war under singularly favourable conditions.

He ought to have joined in the laugh, and rewarded Archy on the spot for so good a witticism. The Scotch, besides organizing a sort of civil government, took measures for summoning a general assembly of their Church. This assembly met at Glasgow.

"I certainly can. I have no doubt your daughter will put me in possession of sufficient facts and details to constitute what we call er a brief." "She kin be brief enough or long enough for the matter of that," said the woman, rising. The Colonel accepted this implied witticism with a smile. "And when may I have the pleasure of seeing her?" he asked politely.

But now will be seen the effect of that mischievous pleasantry of his upon Madame de Maintenon and Madame des Ursins, the "she-captain," and the "she-lieutenant" as he called them, in the gross language to which I have before alluded. Those two ladies had not forgiven him his witticism, and had determined to accomplish his disgrace.

Its chief aim is not so much to express a feeling as an idea a witticism a conceit a shrewd saying a clever analogy a graceful simile a beautiful thought. Moreover, it is not primarily intended for the public; it has a social rather than a literary function.

When the salt-cellar, and the fowl's breast, and the trifle, and the lobster salad were all exhausted, and could not afford standing-room for another solitary witticism, the keeper performed that very dangerous feat which is still done with some of the caravan lions, although in one instance it terminated fatally, of putting his head in the animal's mouth, and placing himself entirely at its mercy.