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Another boy has a circus about once a week, and tries to break his neck jumping through hoops, hanging to a rope by his heels, turning somersaults in the air, and frightening his mother out of her wits by his pranks.

Half a dozen adventurous spirits had gathered together at the Club. They called themselves adventurous. As a matter of fact they were scared out of their wits and had gone there merely with a view to leaning on each other for mutual support and courage. There was no whisky drinking that morning, no cards, no scandal-mongering.

This WAHGUN and the pole added to his own cleverness were saving him twelve good fox skins, and he continued to chuckle there in the fireglow as he thought how easy it was to beat a woman's wits. Nanette was a fool to refuse the pelts, and Jacques was dead. It was a most lucky combination of circumstances for him. Fortune had surely come his way.

Left alone and recovering his wits, he fishes out Clorinda from the embers, and then proceeds to thump vigorously at the lady's door. But it never opened, and from that day to the day three months ago when he told me the tale, he had not beheld her again." "By Jove, it's a striking story," I said. "But the question is, what does it prove?" "Several things. "And last?" I asked.

"Deep in your heart, do you hope to find peace inside the walls of that hospital?" "Yes peace, at least; perhaps contentment and happiness also." "That is impossible," said Oliveta, at which Vittoria's hazel eyes flew open. "Eh? Why not?" "Because you love this Signore Blake!" "Oliveta! You are losing your wits." "Perhaps! But I have not lost my eyes. As for him, he loved you even in Sicily."

O senor, senor, for God's sake, consider yourself, have a care for your honour, and give no credit to this silly stuff that has left you scant and short of wits."

But that given, it was some little time before I could make her comprehend that she must depart at once and without going back after her things. Not till I brightened up her wits by a promise to marry her some day if she only obeyed me now, did she begin to look the thing in the face and show any evidence of the real mother wit she evidently possessed. "Mrs.

The unconscious gripping of the woman's fingers had fired the pistol. For a moment Lady Muriel stood unmoving, arrested in every muscle by this accident. But her steady wits skilled in her profession did not wholly desert her. She saw that the man was dead.

And since you have some of my wits, you may very well do without me. But I believe you will do the better without friend Geoffrey. Therefore I take him, who will indeed do my business much more sincerely than your worthy self. With the dear fellow safe out of the way, I count upon you to push on bravely with Mrs. Alison. You'll not find two such chances in one life.

The encounter was startling to both, but Clif was the first to recover his wits. His quick eye detected the fallen shell, and he divined the fellow's purpose. Before the other could recover from his evident fright, Clif sprang upon him. "So you have found it!" he muttered, as he closed in upon the Spaniard, "but finding's not keeping's this time."