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She was pale, there were dark stains under her eyes, and wistful lines had crept into the sweet face of that neglected wife. Contemplating his poor victim now, Sir Richard may have compared her with the woman by whom my lord desired so impatiently to supplant her. She was tall and beautifully shaped, despite an almost maidenly slenderness.

I want to see you," said Florida, looking up with a wistful face. "I'll come down." "Yes, please. Or no, I had better come up. Yes, Nina and I will come up." Ferris met them at the lower door and led them to his apartment. Nina sat down in the outer room, and Florida followed the painter into his studio.

We breakfasted earlier than usual. My gentle bride had been subdued into a silence, not sullen, but so sad that when her wistful eyes followed my every movement as I prepared to start, I could willingly, to bring back their brightness, have renounced the promise of the day. But this must not be; and turning to take leave on the threshold, I said

So her wistful eyes met Maxwell's. "It would be lovely to live here always." Later, when she had started up-stairs with her candle, he had kissed her, leaning over the rail to watch her as she went up, and Anne had gone to sleep tremulous with the thought that her future would lie here in this great house with this fine and kindly man.

Discussions of the latest plays and novels, the doings and undoings of statesmen, laughter and sentiment to him, at breakfast, these things were as important as sausages and thick cream. Loving, as he did, everything connected with a newspaper, he would now pass by those on the hall-table with never so much as a wistful glance, and hurry to his workroom. "He wrote sitting down.

Hand in hand we walked toward the gate, taking an occasional, wistful glance back at the glory of the few, and thinking, both of us, of the millions of tired feet that never felt the softness of a smooth green sward. At eight o'clock that night the door was shut and barred. Jamie tacked several copies of the Weekly Budget over the window and we were alone. We talked of old times.

Then the patient face, with the old resigned expression, but a brighter, wistful look in the eye, was regularly met on the crowded decks of the steamer as she disembarked her living freight. He may have had a dimly defined hope that the missing ones might yet come this way, as only another road over that strange unknown expanse.

Certainly it was not Violet Oliver's fault that her face in repose took on a wistful and pathetic look, and that her dark quiet eyes, even when her thoughts were absent and her thoughts were often absent rested pensively upon you with an unconscious flattery.

He bent upon one knee in the grass beside the slender, shrinking figure, woman's and yet child's, and held out the little slate to her, and said, with the smile that even backward children could not resist: "Did you draw this?" She nodded, with great wistful eyes, looking shyly up at him from under their sweeping black lashes.

The others gave me a wistful look from a distance, but ventured no nearer, while the deaf and dumb boy expressed a sympathy for me; not, I found, affected, out of mere selfishness. Sometimes he was at a loss what to do with the bread I gave him, and made signs that he had eaten enough, as also his companions.