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When you're dealin' with an honest event honest, mind you as goes on year after year between two parties both ekally set on winnin', the only way to get real satisfaction is to pick your fancy an' go on backin' it. That gives ye a different interest altogether, like with Liberal or Conservative at a General Election.

And as years roll by, and accidents begin to happen to you among which I hope there'll be Twins you will agree with me that family joys air the only ones a man can bet on with any certinty of winnin'. It may interest you to know that I'm prosperin' in a pecoonery pint of view.

You see, the man that marries her has got to have the nerve to face the whole village brave Zenas Henry, the three captains, an' Abbie Brewster, besides winnin' the girl herself. 'Twill be some contract. No, you can be mortal sure I shan't go meddlin' in no such love affair as that.

It would be easier if his intentions wasn't so good, 'cause I could spank him with a clear conscience if he was vicious. But after all, Nickey seems to have a winnin' way about him. He knows every farmer within three miles; he'll stop any team he meets, climb into the wagon seat, take the reins, and enjoy himself to his heart's content.

It takes somethin' more'n a slinkin' half-breed like him t' lead a winnin' team in the Sweepstakes." And Moose would retort sarcastically, "Mart, ef you was as good a judge o' dogs as dogs is o' you stop growlin' at him, Baldy you'd have a winnin' team in yourself, instead o' just jawin' about it."

There was the testimony of the barkeeper, himself concerned equally with the camp in the integrity of the Riggs household. And there was an even darker suspicion. But this must be given in Joe Wynbrook's own words: "I didn't mind the old woman winnin' and winnin' reg'lar for poker's an unsartin game; it ain't the money that we're losin' for it's all in the camp.

What you plannin' to blow your share against?" "I hadn't thought much about that," says Vee. "Only that I once saw the loveliest girdle made of old coins." Isn't that the girl of it! "You're a wonder, Vee," says I. "Here you stand to have a bundle of easy money wished on you, and all you can think of is winnin' a fancy belt." Vee giggles good-natured.

"But ther peril's done past now," he reassured her, "an' all ther enemies we had, thet's wuth winnin' over, hev done come ter be friends." "All thet's wuth winnin' over, yes," she admitted without conviction, "but hit's ther other kind thet a body hes most cause ter fear."

"That was over a game o' cards. One o' the Howards had been winnin', an' Jim Turner, with a pistol, forced him to give back the money he had won. That affair raged a long time. The Logan-Tolliver feud in Rowan County was over an election fo' sheriff. The Logans elected their candidate, an' so the Tollivers killed one o' the Logans at the polls and wounded three others."

Well, father never entered the horse at all, but stood by and see'd the races, and the winnin horse was followed about by the matter of two or three thousand people, a praisin of him and admirin him. They seemed as if they never had see'd a horse afore. The owner of him was all up on eend a boastin of him, and a stumpin the course to produce a horse to run agin him for four hundred dollars.