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"Damn that 'Dismal Jimmy' owl!" he ejaculated testily, in a low tone "an' thim ki-oots! . . . beggars all seem to be givin' us th' ha! ha! as if they knew. P'raps he has beat ut on us afther all? . . . 'Tis harrd tu say we cannot shpot a glim from this side winders all face east. Now! luk a-here, all av yez!"

Inside it wuz beautifully ornamented, some of the winders wuz made of the inside of oyster shells; they made a soft, pleasant light, and it had a number of idols made of carved ivory and some of jade stun, and the principal idol wuz a large gilded dragon. Josiah said the idee of worshippin' such a looking creeter as that. Sez he, "I should ruther worship our old gander."

A great big, handsome wooden house, chock full of winders, painted so white as to put your eyes out, and so full of light within, that inside seems all out-doors, and no tree nor bush, nor nothin' near it but the road fence, with a man to preach in it, that is so strict and straight-laced he will do any thing of a week day, and nothin' of a Sunday.

In one room there wuz no winders, the walls bein' made of glitterin' mirrors sot in gilded frames, light comin' down through stained glass in the gilded ceiling. On the Princess' toilet table wuz a large gold tray holdin' a basin of perfumed water, and white silk towels embroidered in gold and silver.

"Folks say," he continued, "them grounds is full of hejious reptyles, an' I've heerd fellers tell queer things they've seen when passin' there at night red lights a-flyin' about an' spooks at the winders.

Old Billy was in the seventh heaven of delight. A stable for Cupid and Puck, with plenty of good pasture land, a carriage house for the coach, shared with Judith's little blue car, but best of all, a house for himself! "A house with winders an' a chimbly an' a po'ch wha' I kin sot cans er jewraniums an' a box er portulac! I been a dreamin' 'bout sech a house all my life, Miss Judy.

There wuz some stun towers and some winders, and oh! how I do wish I could seen what them Old Cliffers looked out on when they rested their arms on the stun winder sills and looked down on the deep valley below.

When it rains, if there aint a pretty how-do-you-do, it's a pity beds toated out of this room, and tubs set in tother to catch soft water to wash; while the clapboards, loose at the eends, go clap, clap, clap, like galls a hacklin flax, and the winders and doors keen a dancin to the music.

Porter and Barkhouse ambled out, and Mother Borton gave her chair a hitch that brought us face to face. "You ain't so bad off here," she said, looking around critically. "Can any one git in them winders?" I explained that the west window might be entered from the rear stairway by the aid of the heavy shutter, if it were swung back and the window were open.

One day the master gave 'im a lickin'. He vowed he'd be revenged. Next mornin' early he got up an' smashed the school winders, redooced the master's desk to matchwood, an' walked away whistlin'. I never seed 'im since." "Nor heard of him?" "Nor 'eard of 'im." "That was a pity," said the skipper, with a prolonged whiff. "It was. But go on, Mister Whitlaw, with your hanecdotes.