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Seein' I'm his 'Ma, I'd jest say he ain't no call to git figgerin' out what's good fer wimminfolk." "That's just what I think," exclaimed Rosebud, with a quick laugh. "He made me quite angry some time ago. He means to get me off the farm somehow. And and I could just thump him for it." The girl's seriousness had passed, and she spoke lightly enough now. "Men-folk do rile you some," nodded Ma.

Jest look around. Look at yonder Devil's Hill. Wher'd you ever see the like? That's it. Devil's Hill. Say, it's a devil's region, an' everything to it belongs to the devil. Ther' ain't nuthin' fer us nuthin', but to die of starvin'. Ah, psha'! It's a lousy world. Gawd, when I think o' the wimminfolk it makes my liver heave.

So master timber wolf, he says, 'That's so I ken smell out things when I'm hunting. Then that squaw, bein' curious-like, which is the way with wimminfolk, says, 'Shucks, gran'ma, but your tongue's that long you ain't room for it in your mouth. That wolf gits riled then. Says he, 'That's so I ken taste the good things I eat. Guess the squaw was plumb scared at that.

"Seems to me ther's something to that pass." "Yes," said Seth, thoughtfully. Then, with an impatient gesture, "Guess I'll go into Beacon myself to-day. There's a thing or two for me to do. Keep an eye on the wimminfolk. Guess I'll git goin' now." Seth's announcement was received without question by Rube, for there was perfect understanding between these men.

Aunty Edith came down just as Aunty May got a hatchet and made a chop at the snake, but she never touched it, and Aunty Edith wouldn't let me go behind the couch after him. Mr. I heerd the wimminfolk screeching. What ye been up to?" I told him I hadn't done anything. It was a snake. Then Mr. Taylor and me pulled out the couch, but he wasn't there.

"Say, you'll move right off," he said quickly, "an' git Hargreaves an' his wimminfolk clear, too. Guess you'll make the farm 'fore me, sure. Take the bridge for it. Rosebud 'll let you in. Guess you'll find plenty o' company 'fore daylight. Rosie 'll see to the signals." "Yes," Parker nodded. "They're moving to-night. This is a carefully planned surprise." Seth glanced at the eastern sky.