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Wilderspin's contribution to education is difficult to estimate; certainly he never caught Owen's spirit, or realised his simple purpose: he had ambitions reaching beyond the happiness of the children; and far from trying to make their education suit their stage of growth, he sought to produce the "Infant Prodigy," just as a contemporary of his sought to produce the "Infant Saint."

Soon I was conscious that my mother, Sleaford, and Wilderspin were standing by my side, that Wilderspin's hand was laid on my arm, and that I was pointing at the predella pointing and muttering, 'She lives! She is saved. My mother led me into the other studio, and I stood before the great picture.

'She shrieked "Father," and her face looked 'No, don't, tell me how she looked! said Sinfi. 'Mr. Wilderspin's pictur' o' the witch and the lady shows how she looked whoever she was. But if it was Winnie Wynne. what'll become o' him? Then I heard. Cyril address Wilderspin again.

Before going, however, the whim seized me to write on the wall in large letters, with a piece of red drawing-chalk I had in my waistcoat pocket, 'Kidnapper, beware! I then went to Wilderspin's studio. 'Well, said he, 'there is no body lying there, I suppose? 'None, I said. 'Did I not tell you that the spirit-world had called her back? What I saw has vanished, as I expected.

Entering the studio, I found myself behind a tall easel where Cyril was at work. I was concealed from him, and also from Wilderspin and Sinfi. On my left stood Cyril's caricature of Wilderspin's 'Faith and Love, upon which the light from a window was falling aslant!

Formalism and materialism always die slowly: play in the Board School was interpreted as something that had to be dictated and taught: the gifts, occupations and games were organised, and appeared on the time-table as subjects side by side with Wilderspin's theology and object-lessons.

It was not until I became acquainted with the rationale of sympathetic manifestations it was not till I learnt, by means of that extraordinary book of your father's, which seems to have done its part in turning friend Wilderspin's head, what is the supposed method by which the spiritual world acts upon the material world acts by the aid of those same natural bonds which keep the stars in their paths that my blood and my reason became reconciled, and a new light came to me.

I stood and looked at her looked till the street seemed to heave under my feet and the houses to rock. After this I seem to have wandered back to Wilderspin's studio, and there to have sunk down unconscious. I will not trouble the reader with details of the illness that came upon me as the result of my mental agony and physical exhaustion.

The set of her head on her muscular neck showed her to be a woman of immense strength. But still more was her great physical power indicated by her hands, the fingers of which seemed to have a grip like that of an eagle's claws. I then perceived upon an easel a large drawing. 'I have not seen Wilderspin's "Faith and Love," I said; 'but this, I see, must be a caricature of it.

Wilderspin, which the committee are convinced is practicable and excellent, the master be desired to make himself perfectly acquainted with it, in its physical, mental, and moral bearings, by a study of Mr. Wilderspin's works on the subject, and particularly of the last and most complete edition. "That the rules as printed be strictly adhered to by the master.