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From behind him still were heard the shouts and shrieks that were mingled with the reports of the guns and the whoops of the excited Indians. Somehow, in spite of his peril, the beat of the young settler's heart seemed to be almost normal. He watched a little field mouse that fearlessly peered up at him from the ground.

"'Down him! chimes in big Jim, his knee in poor Snow's back. "'Run, Bearse! Run! whoops the Pinkerton man, liftin' his mouth out of the sand. "He run don't you worry about that! Likewise he dodged. One chap swooped at him, and he ducked under his arms. Another made a dive, and he jumped over him. The third one he pushed one side with his hand. 'Pushed! did I say?

The time had narrowed. Close behind, crashing through a thicket, were the warriors, announcing themselves with shrill whoops. Dallas waited, propped against a stone. The words of the old Texas song began to run in her mind: "We saw the Indians coming, We heard them give a yell, My feelings at that moment No mortal tongue could tell." She was spent. She had no hope of being spared from death.

By and by certain familiar whoops and hullohs announced that the enemy was coming. "They hevn't coomed yet, hev they?" we heard the sexton's son say, as he peeped over at our pond. "Noa," was the reply. "It's not gone one yet." "It's gone one by t' church. I yeard it as we was coming up t' lane." "T' church clock's always hafe-an-hour fasst, thee knows." "It isn't!" "It is."

Let's make it high altitude while we are at it." "I'll do my very best with what I happen to have," said Katy; "but I warn you right now I am making a good big hole in the Sunday dinner." "I don't give two whoops," said Linda, "if there isn't any Sunday dinner. In memory of hundreds of times that we have eaten bread and milk, make it a banquet, Katy, and we'll eat bread and milk tomorrow."

I don't regard myself as a particularly nervous man, but there's a limit! Their war whoops and screeches got on my nerves and temper to the extent of sending me into their midst one evening brandishing a whip and commanding immediate silence. I got it.

About the largest fire in the center of the camp the crowd gathered, Chief Trotting Wolf in the midst, and were harangued by one of the returning braves who was evidently reciting the story of their experiences and whose tale was received with the deepest interest and was punctuated by mad cries and whoops.

The discharge of muskets and the whoops of the combatants, however, while they added to the horrible din of such a scene, proclaimed the unconquered resolution of those who held the citadel. A window of the room they occupied enabled the stranger to take a cautious survey of what was passing without.

Outside their tent the night was hideous with discordant noises, yells, whoops, cries, mingled with the beating of tom-toms. Terrified and trembling, the two girls sprang to the door, and, lifting the flap, peered out. It was the party of braves returning from the great powwow so rudely interrupted by Cameron.

All these several details, from the moment of the appearance of the warrior at the door until the loud shouts of the besieged travellers took the place of the savage whoops previously sounded, passed in fewer moments than we have taken pages to record them.