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Colwyn that she had been up since six o'clock that morning helping the charity orphan to scrub and scour, cooking, making beds, sewing, teaching Tiny between whiles, and scarcely getting five minutes' rest until dinner-time. She only began to wonder how she could manage to get all her tasks into the day if she had lessons to give as well.

He was a proud man your da, with a terrible quick temper, but as kindly-natured a man as ever drew breath. Your ma thinks long for him many's a time, though I think there were whiles he frightened her. Your Uncle Matthew and me is poor company for her after living with a man like that." "Am I like my da, Uncle William! My ma says sometimes I am ... when she's angry with me!"

Balderstone aye wears a rapier, and whiles a dirk into the bargain." "I trust," said the minister, "ye have reflected weel on what ye have done, lest you should minister cause of strife, of which it is my duty to say, he who affordeth matter, albeit he himself striketh not, is in no manner guiltless." "Never fash your beard, Mr.

Bandy was brocht up in Aiberdeen, you ken, an' he has whiles a gey queer wey o' speakin'. "I hinna very muckle to say, you ken," says he, "an' konsequently, I'll no' say very muckle." "Hear, hear," roared Watty Finlay.

She raised her head, and spoke, but with a lowered tone, which was again gradually overcome by drowsiness, to which the fatigue of a day's journey on horseback had probably given unwonted occasion, "I dinna ken what makes me sae sleepy I amaist never sleep till my bonny Lady Moon gangs till her bed mair by token, when she's at the full, ye ken, rowing aboon us yonder in her grand silver coach I have danced to her my lane sometimes for very joy and whiles dead folk came and danced wi' me the like o' Jock Porteous, or ony body I had ken'd when I was living for ye maun ken I was ance dead mysell."

A great awe seemed to have possessed his soul; yet not a sad one: for his face seemed daily to drink in glory from the glory round him; and murmuring to himself at whiles, "This is the gate of heaven," he stood watching all day long, careless of food and rest, as every forward plunge of the ship displayed some fresh wonder.

Whiles," he announced, "a most charmingly reasonable person. I make you my offer, then, with every confidence, although I warn you that there will be some strange conditions attached to it. I ask you to accept the post of private physician to this household for the space of one it may be two months, and I offer you also, as an honorarium, the fee of one thousand guineas."

There are no chivalrous exercises here, no tilt yard, only the bell which booms all day long; matins and lauds; prime, terce and sext; vespers and compline; and masses between whiles." "My son, be not irreverent." The boy lowered his eyes at the reproof. "Thou shalt go with me. But, my boy, blame me not if some day thou grieve over the loss of this sweet peace." "I love not peace it is dull."

Turning up the dark road at Redman's Dell, the gallant captain passed the old mill, and, all being quiet up and down the road, he halted under the lordly shadow of a clump of chestnuts, and opened and read the letter he had just taken charge of. It contained only these words: 'Wednesday. 'On Friday night, next, at half-past twelve. This he read twice or thrice, pausing between whiles.

So prayed I, hoarse-panting and with the sweat trickling down whiles I stared at the naked back of him that rowed before me a great, fat fellow he had been once, but now the skin hung in numberless creases whereon were many weals, some raw and bloody, that crossed and re-crossed each other after the manner of lace-work. "Justice, O God, upon mine enemy!