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All round de baynets was charge, but dey haul up jist in time not to skewer one anoder, for de horse shotted out fro' between dem all, an' away straight to de Chili lines, whar dere was a great cheerin', for dey t'ought it was a deserter. When Conrad came up, he trotted quietly troo de ranks, till he got near to whar de Chili commander stood wid his hofficers, wonderin' who he was.

The doctor stopped in midflight and swung about and his eye fell upon the right-hand door and he moved a yard or two in that direction; but no more than a yard or two, for again Jeff spoke in warning, halting him short: "Not dat way neither! The one frum dat other town whar you uster live is waitin' outside dat do' wid a pistil! Seems lak you's entirely s'rounded by wives dis evenin'!"

"It am so nice not to know whar you's gwine to, or whar you's comin' to, or who's dar, or who's not dar, or what fish'll turn up, or what beast'll turn down, or what nixt oh! it am so jolly! what you sniggerin' at, you dirty leetle cub?" The question was put to the Indian boy, who seemed much amused by something he saw up among the trees.

It wears out the best man in the world to keep on workin' forever an' forever without knowin' whether he's accomplishin' anything or not. All we've got to do is to hug the wall an' set tight." "Wouldn't it be well, Giant, when the bombardment lets up, to gather together our own little army and take to flight up the pass?" "An' whar would we fetch up?" "It's not likely to be a box canyon.

His rough touch was a galvanic battery of human kindness. It thrilled and electrified me. No; he had not even seen my pitiful presence. I do not know where the people of the world get their manners; but these Artichokes got theirs, rough-coated though they were, straight from the blue above. "Say! whar' ye been all this time?

"Now, a greenhorn 'ud rush in, an' hack an' chop any old way, an' afore he knew what he was doin' the tree 'ud be tumblin' down in the wrong place, an' mebbe right a-top of 'im at that. But I size things up a bit afore I hit a clip. Havin' made up me mind as to the best spot to fell her, I swing to, an' whar I pint her thar she goes; that's all thar is about it."

"He's stabbed, Jimmy!" Samson Hat remarked, coming out of the kitchen; "see whar de dagger struck him right over de heart! Dat made him howl and fall dead. His froat was not cut dat sudden; it's gashed as if wid somethin' blunt." "Right you are, nigger! The throat-cuttin' was a make believe; the stab will tell the tale.

One is the bunk-house; the other is whar Mendez stops when the ol' cuss is yere. Creep up a bit an' I'll show yer how the trail runs. Don't be afeerd; nobody kin see yer from down below." "All right, son, where is it?"

We was a coming in from way up in Cache le Poudre and from Yellowstone Lake, whar we'd been a trapping for two seasons. We was a working our way slowly back to Independence, Missouri, where we was a going to get a new outfit.

The men ran down to meet them, and to help them ashore, exhibiting the utmost astonishment at seeing them there. "Whar in creation did you come from?" exclaimed one, giving the professor a pull up the bank. "Mebbe you're Cosmo Versal, and that's yer Ark." "I'm Professor Pludder, and this is the President of the United States."