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'Weel, there was anither puir widdie a far-off cousin o' hers, that had a bairn born till her after her man died, and the puir widdie juist askit Mistress Wallace to be its godmither.

Then sitting rigidly erect, the same man who afterward rode through an ambush of cattle-stealing rustlers who were determined to kill him, he said, "I'm thinking ye acted imprudently maist imprudently, but I'm not saying ye could have got your wages otherwise oot o' Coombs. Weel, I'll take Jasper's security for it that ye'll be here, and away back to report to my superior.

I ken weel the minister is right. Put on a covering turf noo, Maggie, for the tide serves at six o'clock, and I'll be awa' to Largo the morn." Maggie was up at gray dawn next morning, while yet the sea birds were dozing on their perches, looking like patches of late snow in the crannies of the black rocks. There was no wrath in the tide, only an irresistible set shoreward.

"'Weel, Kirsty, said he, 'if that's the way, if ye hae nae objections, I'll marry ye mysel'. "'I dinna see what objections I should hae, said she, and, without ony mair courtship, in a week or twa they were married; and, in course o' time, I was born. I was sent to school when I was about eight years auld, but my education ne'er got far'er than the rule o' three.

"Who is to be taken? who is to speak?" said Bertram in astonishment, receiving a pair of pistols which she offered him, and which, upon examining, he found loaded and locked. "The flints are gude," she said, "and the powder dry I ken this wark weel."

"Did she never lat on what there had been atween 's?" "Na, never. She kenned weel what would come o' that!" "What, mother?" "The ootside o' the door." "Think ye she ever tauld onybody?" "Mony ane, I doobtna." "Weel, I dinna believe 't, I hae nae fear but she's been dumb as deith!" "Hoo ken ye that? What for said she never ae word aboot ye til yer ain mither?"

A' the world's fules and how should auld Edie Ochiltree be aye wise? And for the evil let them wha deal wi' Dousterswivel tell whether he gat a grain mair than his deserts." "That may be true, Edie, and yet," said Miss Wardour, "you may have been very wrong." "Weel, weel, we'se no dispute that e'ennow it's about yoursell I'm gaun to speak. Div ye ken what's hanging ower the house of Knockwinnock?"

"Weel, weel, jist as ye wull it'll dae again but man, hoo'll ye square it wi' the wife when ye gang hame to the manse the nicht? We'll baith hae oor ain times, I'm dootin'. Here's a sweetie for ye; it's a peppermint lozenge, an' it's a graun' help. Guid-nicht."

I can tell you that job made some folk shake for their office." "Weel, but, Laurie, ye maun befriend me this time, and get this wee bit sifflication slipped into his Majesty's ain most gracious hand. I promise you the contents will be most grateful to him."

"The little one makes much the best figure on the box!" John Strong would say to himself. "If life were all driving, now but "Weel I ken my ain lassie; Kind love is in her e'e!" But in the twilight came Margaret's hour of comfort.