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When we had gone a good part of our way, we came to a certaine wood invironed with great trees and compassed about with pleasant meddowes, whereas the Shepheards appointed to continue a certaine space to cure their wounds and sores; then they sate downe on the ground to refresh their wearie minds, and afterwards they sought for medicines, to heale their bodies: some washed away their blood with the water of the running River: some stopped their wounds with Spunges and cloutes, in this manner every one provided for his owne safety.

Some courtiers to wearie out time woulde tell vs further tales of Cornelius Agrippa, and how when sir Thomas Moore our countrieman was there, hee shewed him the whole destruction of Troy in a dreame.

"Dearest Father, I make my present pilgrimage more heavy and burdensome, through the sad occasion to reflect that it is without your knowledge, which, God knows, was far contrary to my heart; for Scripture says, that 'the vow of the daughter should not be binding without the consent of the father, wherein it may be I have been guilty to tak this wearie journey without your consent.

Thus it happened that when confronting her he smiled; and then, with the manner of a temporarily light-hearted man, who has started himself on a flight of song whose momentum he cannot readily check, he softly tuned an old ditty that she seemed to suggest "As I came in by my bower door, As day was waxin' wearie, Oh wha came tripping down the stair But bonnie Peg my dearie."

Oh, that I had the wings of a dove, for then I would fly away and be at rest!" she exclaimed, breaking into the pathetic language of the Psalmist. A voice softly stole upon her ear, a low, plaintive voice singing a homely Scotch song: "'Oh, it's hame, hame, hame, Hame fain would I be; But the wearie never win back To their ain countrie."

At night they came againe, leading their horses, or driuing them with a sticke before; for they were so wearie, that they could not lead them; neither found they any way nor signe of habitation. The next day, the Gouernour sent other foure with as many horsemen that could swim, to passe the Ose and Riuers which they should find, and they had choice horses the best that were in the Campe.

Beholde I see the haven near at hand To which I mean my wearie course to bend; Vere the main sheet and bear up to the land To which afore is fairly to be ken'd. SPENSER, Faerie Queene. In their journey from Cape Washington to the south something had already been done to justify the dispatch of the expedition.

Thy father's In Essex: if he live heele purchase Romford; If he die sooner then the towne's our owne; Spend but an acre a day and thou maist live Till all the world be wearie of thee. Betweene Us two, what thincke you of a wench? Cou. Nothing. Cap. You meane one wench betweene us two is nothing.

Gin I had them, maybe I might give a guess, but there was mony a leal Scot sairly bestead, wife and wean and all, in her Majesty's cause that wearie spring." Here Cis stirred in her sleep, and both women were at her side in a moment, but she did not wake.

After they were wearie with hurling and beating themselves, they sate downe, and behold, the inhabitants came in, and offered gold, silver, vessels of wine, milke, cheese, flower, wheate and other things: amongst whom there was one, that brought barly to the Asse that carried the goddesse, but the greedie whoresons thrust all into their sacke, which they brought for the purpose and put it upon my backe, to the end I might serve for two purposes, that is to say, for the barne by reason of my corne, and for the Temple by reason of the goddesse.