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"If it choked it couldn't ever steal another one." "But you don't WANT it to steal another one, do you?" "We-ll, if every one it stole meant my havin' as good an afternoon as this one's been, I'd " He stopped. Barbara ventured to spur him on. "You'd what?" she asked. "I'd give up whittlin' weather vanes and go mackerel-seinin' for the critter's benefit. Well er good day, ma'am."

"First, that I love you madly, that it is sickening temptation to be with you now every instant without holding you in my arms," and his voice trembled, while his blue eyes glowed. "That I do not know how to resist the wild passion which is overcoming me. I want to kiss you so terribly, more than I have ever wanted anything in my life." "We-ll?" said Stella, with a quiver of exquisite joy.

"But didn't you ASK for anything?" "We-ll, I told Nate he might maybe leave one of the kittens, so's I could have a er souvenir of the visit, but he wouldn't do it. Said those kittens was rare and er precious, or words to that effect. He didn't intend to let another go as cheap as he had that one." "Oh. . . . I see.

"But I am QUITE sure I can do nothing with your shares, Captain Hallett. It it such a thing would be absolutely impossible. I'm sorry." Captain Jethro's calm was unshaken. "We-ll," he said, slowly, "I ain't altogether surprised. Course I could see that maybe you wouldn't want to go cruisin' up to them folks again, 'specially they bein' relations. I don't blame you for that, Mr. Bangs.

Calvin upon his return home. "Do I understand," he demanded, "that you are excusing that young man for putting that outrage upon me?" "We-ll, as I say, I'm sorry it happened. But, honest, Mr. Calvin, I don't know's the boy's to blame so very much, after all. He delivered your lumber, and that's somethin'." "Is that all you have to say, Captain Snow?

I saw that the dog was a mistake, and not functionable: we must try something else; something, if possible, that could evoke sentiment, interest, feeling. "What is cat, in Italian?" I asked. "Gatto." "Is it a gentleman cat, or a lady?" "Gentleman cat." "How are these people as regards that animal?" "We-ll, they they " "You hesitate: that is enough. How are they about chickens?"

"Wouldn't you? What would you call it?" "We-ll, I don't know but I'd risk callin' it knowin'. Yes, I think likely I would." "Oh, I see. . . . Humph! Have you had a letter on the subject?" "Ye-es." "I see. From Mrs. Fosdick, of course.

Crashaw smiled. He meant to avoid that eventuality. The little meeting lapsed into a brief silence. There seemed to be nothing more to say. "Well," said Crashaw, at last, with a rising inflexion that had a conciliatory, encouraging, now-my-little-man kind of air, "We-ll, of course, no one wishes to proceed to extremes. I think, Mr.

I see more money at one time and in one er er junk, as you might say, than ever I see afore yes, or I bet you ever see neither, Zach Bloomer." "We-ll, course what I ever see never amounted to much, but if it's more than YOU see, Rosebud, then it must have been consider'ble of a lot.

The wood and the string was hangin' up in the right place, but the key wan't among those present, as they say in the newspapers." "Where was it?" demanded Barbara. "Hush, dear," cautioned her mother. "You mustn't ask so many questions." "That's all right, ma'am; I don't mind a mite. Where was it? We-ll, 'twas in my pants pocket here, just where I put it last time I used it.