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She got into the boat, loosened the heavy rattling chain and flung it in board, took up the sculls and began to pull. It was easy work. "I didn't know I was such a good oar," said Betty as the boat crept swiftly down the river. As she stepped into the boat, she noticed the long river reeds straining down stream like the green hair of hidden water-nixies.

"That's a beautiful game you and Dicky were playing this morning," he remarked presently, "tagging each other with rainbows. I believe I'll put it into this fairy tale, have the water-nixies do it as they slide over the water-fall." "But it isn't half as nice as the game we play in earnest," she assured him. "In our Rainbow Club we have a sort of game of tag.

It is impossible to be wise on the subject of ear-rings as one looks at her; what should those delicate pearls and crystals be made for, if not for such ears? One cannot even find fault with the tiny round hole which they leave when they are taken out; perhaps water-nixies, and such lovely things without souls, have these little round holes in their ears by nature, ready to hang jewels in.

I have heard that one night, on a distant shore, a band of water-nixies were dancing to gentle music, their golden sandals twinkling like stars. A lord and lady were walking on the same shore. The lord's eyes were bent on the ground; but his wife paused, and said, "Listen, my lord, to that enchanting music!" "I hear no music," he replied, laughing. "You must wake up, dear wife.

"Home!" echoed the lovely child; "my home is in the Summer-land. Oh, will you indeed carry me there?" Then she folded her white wings, and nestled in the lady's bosom like a gentle dove, and was borne to a beautiful castle that overlooked the sea. The water-nixies soon forgot her, for they could not hold her memory in their little humming-bird hearts. She was not of their race.