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She gave John James what little knowledge of drawing she had, and handed him over her invaluable recipes for mixing water-colours "for trees in foregrounds, burnt sienna and indigo" "for very dark foliage, ivory black and gamboge" "for flesh-colour," etc. etc. John James went through her poor little course, but not so brilliantly as she expected.

The great man, indeed, one of whose virtues was an easy frankness, said that it seemed to him as absurd as if Hugh had expressed the intention of devoting the rest of his life to practising the piano or drawing in water-colours.

"Dear mama, only think, my cousin cannot put the map of Europe together or my cousin cannot tell the principal rivers in Russia or, she never heard of Asia Minor or she does not know the difference between water-colours and crayons! How strange! Did you ever hear anything so stupid?"

As for shavin', I've got a bull's-eye sort of glass in the lid o' my soap-box that serves all my purpose, and I shave wi' cold water, so I won't be botherin' you in the mornin's for hot. I've got a paintin' of my last ship the Daisy done in water-colours it's a pretty big 'un, but by hangin' Samuel on the other bulk-head, an' stickin' that black thing over the door, we can make room for it."

If the pigments are ground in an aqueous vehicle of strong isinglass size and honey instead of gum water the work would not be much inferior to that executed with other vehicles. Water-colours are sometimes applied on a ground of gold after the style of other paintings, and sometimes so as to produce an embossed effect.

Their house was small and its name was Shelthorpe, but it had an air about it which suggested a certain amount of money and a certain amount of taste. There were decent water-colours in the drawing-room. Madonnas of acknowledged merit hung upon the stairs. A replica of the Hermes of Praxiteles of course only the bust stood in the hall with a real palm behind it.

Lady Mary felt an odd pang at her heart. She thought of the trouble John had taken to choose the best of the water-colours for the rose-tinted room the room he had declared so bright and so charming of the pretty curtains and chintzes; and the valuable old china she had collected from every part of the house for the cabinets.

But if water-colours are used for painting a picture upon it, and if the colours are laid on while the stucco is still damp, they unite with the lime, and slowly dry to a surface which is durable, but neither so hard nor so polished as that produced when the stucco is ironed.

He was busily engaged in sketching a view of the lake and the opposite mountains, evidently to the order of some fashionably dressed women who stood near him watching the rapid and sure movements of his brush he had his box of water-colours beside him, and smiled and talked as he worked. Lord Blythe watched him with lively interest, while enjoying the first whiffs of his lately lit cigar.

The Marchesa, who could be near-sighted on occasion, put up her tortoiseshell-mounted eyeglass and looked at him aggressively; but as he returned her gaze with steadiness, she soon turned away. 'You are extremely rude, she said coldly. For she herself made clever caricatures in water-colours, and she knew what Giovanni meant.