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A near-by tree will furnish the substantial foundation for your dressing-table and wash-stand combined. If you can find a side-piece of a wooden box, use it for the shelf and fasten this shelf on the trunk of a tree about two and one-half feet or more above the ground.

"I guess, mister," said the American, looking up as Mr Meldrum entered the main saloon, "I've had to act the good Samaritan, same as your gal did to me when I got jammed together t'other day in my innards agin the wash-stand! We're fixin' up the little miss finely. 'Tain't much of an injoory, I kalkerlate, missy, though thar be a sight of blood, and it'll soon git closed up agin!"

The bed was rickety, with a thin knotty mattress; the sand-colored walls were scratched and gouged; in every corner, under everything, were fluffy dust and cigar ashes; on the tilted wash-stand was a nicked and squatty pitcher; the only chair was a grim straight object of spotty varnish; but there was an altogether splendid gilt and rose cuspidor.

And all that time my thoughts were on the cream puffs. I did hope that Aubrey would have sense enough to put them on the wash-stand. Finally I got rid of Mary, and released the Angel. He clanked as he came in, but that was two pint bottles of beer. I locked the door, and then he unloaded.

Blue was the paint on the walls, blue the mat on the floor, blue and white the coverlet on the bed, blue the quaintly shaped china on the wash-stand. She remembered with a thrill of satisfaction that her own bags and cases were of the same hue, and took off her hat feeling that she had found an oasis in the desert of life.

"I didn't know your office was up here." "Yes, office, town-house, and chateau in Picardy. They're beyond that inner door. They are a cot and a wash-stand and my other suit and the blue crepe tie you said you liked." "You remember my saying that?" "Of course. I always shall. Please try this chair."

There was a cot-bed for the nurse and a crib for the child. A well-supplied wash-stand completed the furniture. The child lay sleeping soundly in his crib, and the nurse sat by him, occupying herself with some white embroidery that she habitually carried in her pocket, to fill up spare moments profitably.

"How do you do, Miss Edgarton?" he ventured. "How do you do, Mr. Barton?" said little Eve Edgarton. From the splashy wash-stand somewhere beyond them, they heard Edgarton fussing with the orchids and mumbling vague Latin imprecations or endearments over them. A trifle surreptitiously Barton smiled at Eve. A trifle surreptitiously Eve smiled back at Barton.

The girls have persuaded me ... the tent, down beside the little house, is yours all summer, if you like." I found the tent in a clump of trees ... it had a hard board floor, a wash-stand, table, chair, and cot. Along with the rest of the household, I retired early ... but not to sleep.

She could feel the shape and weight of each limb; sounds came to her with perfect distinctness; the sounds downstairs and a low-voiced conversation across the landing, little faint marks that human beings were making on the great wide stillness, the stillness that brooded along her white ceiling and all round her and right out through the world; the faint scent of her soap-tablet reached her from the distant wash-stand.