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We row the rest of the night with all strength, & the breaking of the day hid ourselves in very long rushes & our boats. The litle boat went att the other side of the river, those hid it in the wood. One of them went up a tree to spie about, in case he could perceive any thing, to give notice to his comrades, & he was to come within sight of us to warne us.

Ansell, turning her eyes on him, said gently: "Your name is unusual. I had a friend named Lucy Warne who married a very clever man a mechanical genius " Amherst's face cleared. "My father was a genius; and my mother is Lucy Warne," he said, won by the soft look and the persuasive voice. "What a delightful coincidence! We were girls together at Albany.

"And ye reasons why ye devill would discover y is 1 his malice towards all men 2 his insatiable desire to have ye witches not sure enough of y till yn. "And ye authors warne jurors, &c not to condemne suspected psons on bare prsumtions wthout good & sufficient proofes. "But if convicted of yt horrid crime to be put to death, for God hath said thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

Thayer was not able to go out, but she asked Miss Seaton to put a letter in the post-office for her. Miss Seaton took the letter and brought it straight to Mrs. Warne, who delivered it to me at once. I opened it and read it aloud to my stenographer, who took down its contents as fast as the words fell from my lips. The letter contained a full account of Mrs.

It may be soe; but one who calculated My birth did warne me to abstaine from marriage Til I was twenty. Thu. You're no Atlanta; if you be, Ile play Hippomanes and over runn you. Cla. You'd scarce catch me, Though you had Venus apples to seduce My covetous eyes. Henceforth Ide have you leave Your love to me. Thu. I must leave to live then. Why doe you say soe? Cla. Thu. Cla.

Warne in his gentle tones, which were yet not without more firmness than one might expect from so frail a person, "that I have heard somewhere a homely proverb to the effect that it is not quite in good taste to " "'Look a gift horse in the mouth," finished Georgiana. Her eyes were rebellious. "And there's another: 'Beggars mustn't be choosers. Yes, I know.

Warne changed her dress and returned to my office, where we had a hearty laugh over the superstitious folly of the many ladies who had consulted her. She told me many amusing secrets, which her fair visitors had confided to her, and I learned that some of the most fashionable people in the city had invoked her aid.

She was off at last, with Jeannette's hot tears on her cheek, Rosalie's reproachful and all but angry final speech, "I didn't think you'd actually do it, Georgiana Warne!" ringing in her ears; and Chester's explosive, derisive prediction following her, "By thunder, but you'll be a sorry girl when it's too late.

Warne inquired doubtfully. "Why shouldn't she come? She's had a gay winter so far, but not a happy one. She's no debutante any more, you know; she's an 'old girl' in her fifth season. That's what the society girls get by coming out at eighteen.

Many had said to her that they never would have believed Georgie Warne would ever change her mind about anything. Others had added that perhaps it was a good thing, since her father certainly was pretty feeble and nobody knew when he might take a turn for the worse. Altogether, it had not been a happy day for the object of the village interest.