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And now, if I hear ye, quean lassies, sae muckle as name dancing, or think there's sic a thing in this warld as flinging to fiddler's sounds, and piper's springs, as sure as my father's spirit is with the just, ye shall be no more either charge or concern of mine!

"An' wae's me that he's sae far awa', and canna do't himsel. My bonnie bairn! Ye're come into the warld without a father's blessing."

Now this angered the man, and he rebuked the bird. "These are great mysteries," he said, "which are no to be mentioned in the ears of an unsanctified creature. What can a thing like you wi' a lang neb and twae legs like stilts ken about the next warld?" "Weel, weel," said the whaup, "we'll let the matter be. Everything to its ain trade, and I will not dispute with ye on Metapheesics.

A' this I thocht o' doin, I say; but, on reflection, I changed my mind, an' determined no to gie mysel ony such trouble, but just to let things tak their course, an' trust to my ain conduct, an' the weel-kent respectability o' my faither, for the guid opinion o' the warld.

"Hear till him now!" said the housekeeper. "It's a shame to hear a douce young lad speak in that way, since a' the warld kens that they maun either marry or do waur." "I beg your pardon, sir, my wants shall be very few; and would you please to give me the gold chain, which the Margrave gave to my father after the battle of Lutzen" "Mercy on us! the gowd chain?" exclaimed his uncle.

Lasses suld hae naething to do wi' weans till they are married and then a' the gossips and cummers come in and feast as if it were the blithest day in the warld. They say maidens' bairns are weel guided. I wot that wasna true of your tittie's and mine; but these are sad tales to tell.

Ma mither and she went; then ma wife" he gave a great swallow "and she's awa'; and I may say they're the only two human bein's as ha' lived on God's earth in ma time that iver tried to bear wi' me; and Wullie. A man's mither a man's wife a man's dog! it's aften a' he has in this warld; and the more he prizes them the more like they are to be took from him."

Man, ye chose it weel, for he's been colleckin' sae mony thae forty years, a'm feared for him. "A've often thocht oor doctor's little better than the Gude Samaritan, an' the Pharisees didna think muckle o' his chance aither in this warld or that which is tae come."

Macmurdo in her shop to all who entered talked of the laird's homecoming. "He's a strange sort!" "Some do say he's been to America and found a gold-mine." "Na! He's just been journeying around in himself." "I am na spekalative. He's contentit, and sae am I. It's a mair natural warld than ye think." "Three year syne when he went away, he lookit like ane o' thae figures o' tragedy "

Drumtochty exiles meeting in London or other foreign places and recalling the Glen, never part without lighting on John and passing contempt on all officials beside him. "Ye mind John?" one will say, wagging his head with an amazement that time and distance has in no wise cooled, and his fellow glensman will reply, "Ay, ye may traivel the warld ower or ye see his marrow."