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Don't talk ter me abeout 'example. That's allus the excuse of the weak-headed. If my example was goin' ter hurt the boys, ev'ry one o' them would wanter be th' town expressman! Haw! haw! haw! I ain't never seen none o' them tumblin' over each other fer th' chance't ter cut me out on my job. An' 'cause I chaw terbaccer, is ev'ry white-headed kid in town goin' ter take up chawin' as a habit?

Mike, yer ol' varmint, if yer do any more swearin' while ther lady's yere I 'll knock ther words back down yer throat. Yer know me, so shut up. Th-thar'll be fightin' in p-plenty fer both o' yer presently, the way things look. Now, vamoose, the two o' yer, an' be quiet about it. Mike, y-yer better do something fer yer eyes if yer wanter see well 'nough ter take a pot-shot at Farnham's gang."

"Sho', chillen, dis ain't nottin' fo' ol' Unc' Rufus. He sit up many a night afore dis. An' somebody has ter watch de Christmas goose." "Oh! The Christmas goose?" cried Agnes. "Has it come?" "You wanter see him, chillen?" asked the old colored man, shuffling to the door. "Looker yere." They followed him to the woodshed door.

Young mars wuz in a tarrible hurry fer ter git back home. Tenie wuz washin' at de big house dat day, en her mistiss say she should go right 'long wid her young marster. Tenie tried ter make some 'scuse fer ter git away en hide tel night, w'en she would have eve'ything fix' up fer her en Sandy; she say she wanter go ter her cabin fer ter git her bonnet.

"Don't wanter meddle wid nothin' that recerns you," cried Vic, jumping at the prospect of a quarrel, since there was nothing to be gained by amicable words. "Jis' give me any of yer sarse," said Clo, "and I'll mark yer face smash wid dis ere dough, now I tells ye?" "Don't lay a finger on me, cause I won't stand it," shrieked Vic; "yer a cross ole, ole dat's what's de matter."

It seems funny, Mr. Grey I reckon I looked like a darned fool but I don't wanter feel ag'in as I did jest then. The clinch o' my throat got tighter; everything got black about me; I was jest goin' off and kalkilatin' it was about time for you to advertise for another foreman, when suthin broke fetched away! "It was my collar button, and I dropped like a shot.

I wanter be like that there St. George feller, as killed dragons. I wanter do real things," unconsciously he was quoting from the gospel of Rose-Marie, "wi' my life! I wanter be a good husban' an' father " All at once the Young Doctor was laughing. It was not an unkind laugh it gave Bennie heart to listen to it but it was exceedingly mirthful.

I want to git this princess with 'Mericans an' I want to show these fellers what 'Mericans can do behin' a rifle. Our game is to git to Carlina and lick the bunch of Guinnies thet has stolen the young lady's throne. If ye wanter do thet an' do it hard and square well, he's fer lettin' this other thing drop.

I wouldn' min' fightin', fer my time ain't come yit, I feels dat in my bones. W'at we gwine ter do, dat's w'at I wanter know." "What does old Mr. Delamere have to say about the matter?" asked Miller suddenly. "Why haven't we thought of him before? Has he been seen?" "No," replied Watson gloomily, "and for a good reason, he is not in town.

He'll win a blue ribbon, he will." "Naw," said another youthful humorist. "They don't let Clarence out without the dawg. That's to keep Clarence from gettin' kidnapped. Nobody would wanter kidnap him if they had ter take that mutt along, too." Purt was too anxious to be offended by these remarks. He walked directly up to the leader of the gang. "Say!" he exclaimed, breathlessly.