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A box wallah with his attendant coolie, staggering under the weight of a huge box of Manchester goods, hurries by. It is a busy sight in the bazaar. What a cackling! What a confused clatter of voices! Here also the women are the chief contributors to the din of tongues. There is no irate husband here or moody master to tell them to be still.

Nothing could exceed the astonishment of the shikaree wallah and his companion, who had during the time retired to a respectful distance, when they saw the tigress get up and slowly follow Reginald, as a dog does its master. She, however, would not allow them to approach her, but snarled in a way which made them immediately take to flight.

Let the money be distributed among the poor, and let them each have fifty bastinadoes on the soles of the feet. I have said it." "Wallah Thaib it is well said," replied Mustapha, as the two disputants were removed from the presence.

"The holy Koran does not say otherwise, your highness, it inculcates that all who can, should do so, as the path will be rendered easier. Min Allah! God forbid! Has your highness ever had the time to go to Mecca, and is not your highness to go to heaven?" "Very true, Mustapha, I never had time. In my youth I was busy shaving heads, after that, Wallah!

"The holy Koran does not say otherwise, your highness, it inculcates that all who can, should do so, as the path will be rendered easier. Min Allah! God forbid! Has your highness ever had the time to go to Mecca, and is not your highness to go to Heaven?" "Very true, Mustapha, I never had time. In my youth I was busy shaving heads: after that, Wallah!

Reginald on this called them back, and stroking the head of the tigress, tried to make her understand that she was to treat them as friends. She understood him; and when they came near she no longer showed any signs of wishing to hurt them. "Why, sahib," exclaimed the shikaree wallah, "see! She is not a wild tigress after all. There is a golden collar round her neck.

"Aferin! well said," replied the pacha; "I don't care how long a story it is, provided that it is a good one:" and Selim having obeyed a sign from his highness, intimating that he might sit down, commenced as follows: "Wallah thaib; well said by Allah!" observed Mustapha. The pacha nodded his approbation; and the renegade proceeded with his story.

Wallah!" They wasted another minute arguing for leave to shoot, and by the time they were off the deserter had a long start; but they rode with a will when they did go.

"I beg pardon of your sublime highness, but the beauteous princess is not yet married," said Menouni; "the story is not yet finished." "Wallah el nebi!" exclaimed the pacha. "By God and his Prophet, is she never to be married?" "Yes, your sublime highness, but not just yet. Shall I proceed?" "Yes, Menouni, and the faster you get on the better."

What says the sage? and are not his words of more value than large pearls? 'When thou art sick, and thy mind is heavy, send for wine. Drink, and thank Allah that he has given relief." "Wallah Thaib! it is well said," replied the pacha: "Is not the 'fire-water' of the Franks to be obtained?"