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Nature meant me to be secretary to a clever woman, and my handwriting don't forget my handwriting. Nothing so clear or so rapid has ever been seen." The Duchess signed her bill, slightly undertipped the waiter and accepted his subdued thanks with a gracious smile. "I can see," she said, as they left the room, "that I shall have to wash my hands of you. Nevertheless, I shall not lose hope."

They were charmed to have invited his guileless confidence, to have evoked possibly all the simple poetry of his soul; it was what might have happened in Italy, only there so much naivete would have meant money; they looked at each other with rapture and Basil answered warmly while the waiter flushed as at a personal compliment: "Yes, it 's a nice hotel; one of the best I ever saw, East or West, in Europe or America."

The waiter came along and was paid his bill, with a very substantial tip for himself thrown in. Still Martin lingered at the breakfast-table with his eyes lowered. "There's one thing and one thing only I like about this, Popsy-wopsy," he said. "And what is that?" asked Maggie.

Winkle did leave the box, and rushed with delirious haste to the George and Vulture, where he was discovered some hours after, by the waiter, groaning in a hollow and dismal manner, with his head buried beneath the sofa cushions.

The mistress took it, read what was written upon it in shaky handwriting, and suddenly becoming purple, rose. The paper bore these simple words: "Received from Monsieur Salignon the sum of one hundred thousand francs. Serge Panine." "Who brought this paper?" asked Madame Desvarennes, crushing it between her fingers. "The waiter who attends the card-room at the club."

The waiter, Tim Donohue, says that on the day of his arrival, Addison was seated by the head waiter at the next table to that occupied by Mr. Lawton, and directly facing him. Addison entered the dining-room first, ordered a big luncheon, and was half-way through it when the Lawtons entered. No sooner were they seated, than he got up precipitately and left the room.

"Quite sure, my darling; I am quite sure that you must not interfere, at least at this stage. If this should be a case in which we can be of service, we shall be likely to know it when the waiter answers the bell that I rung some five minutes since," said Lyon, soothingly. But Sybil could not rest with the sound of that weeping and wailing in her ears.

The fact was, I was in a very bad humour, and could not at the time discover the reason, which was neither more nor less than that I was more jealous of finding Harcourt so intimate at Lady de Clare's, than I was at the unpalatable reception which I had me with. The waiter came in, and brought me a note from Mr Masterton.

I sat down, and an attentive waiter appeared at my elbow, having apparently shot up from the floor like a pantomime demon. "Monsieur desires dinner for one?" he deferentially enquired. "I am expecting one or perhaps two friends," I replied. "I will wait for them half an hour. If they do not come by the end of that time, I will dine alone." "Will Monsieur please to regard the menu?" "Yes, thanks."

He thought at first she was dead, but listening intently he heard the beating of her heart, and searched the luncheon basket for a small flask of liqueurs, which Alphonse, the head waiter, had packed. He put the bottle to her lips and poured a small quantity into her mouth. She choked convulsively, and presently opened her eyes. "You're amongst friends," said Marcus unnecessarily.