United States or Saint Lucia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

So I signed on to serve King George an' his missus an' kids for ever an' ever, or duration of war, Amen, with a mental footnote, which last was the only part I mentioned in mailing my dad, that I was a Benevolent Neutral. An' here I am." "Good egg," laughed Courtenay. "Hope you're liking the job." "Waal, I'll amit I'm some disappointed, Loo-tenant," drawled the sergeant.

"Con Hite!" she exclaimed, her face scarlet, "I never see a body ez hard-hearted an' onmerciful ez ye air. Whyn't ye water that sufferin' beast, ez air fairly honing ter drink? Waal," she continued, after a pause in which he demonstrated the axiom that one may lead a horse to water, but cannot make him drink, "then whyn't ye go? I ain't got time ter waste, ef ye hev."

No, they are safe under guard over there in the cavalry camp, and will be taken to headquarters to-morrow." "Waal," Peter said, stretching himself, "I feel mighty tired and shall jest look for a soft place for an hour's sleep before morning." So saying he sauntered away, and the sentry resumed his walk.

"Clew up and furl everything, lads, and be smart about it, for in another five minutes we'll have the lightning flashing all round us; but under bare poles I guess it'll take sharp eyes to pick us out." "Waal, colonel," he remarked to Lance, shortly afterwards, "I reckon that was a narrer squeak for us, that was. If I'd been fool enough to go to the nor'ard, they'd have had us for sure.

From the headin' way that he kerries on hyar, a-body would s'pose he air older 'n the Cumberland Mountings! But he hev turned twenty- one that's a fac' an' he voted at the las' election." "I knows that air true," said Birt, who had wistfully admired this feat of his senior. "Waal Nate don't set much store by votin'," rejoined Mrs. Griggs.

"How did ye happen ter be hyar this time o' the night, ye limb o' Satan?" he cried. "Dunno," faltered poor Jim. The other man had returned too. "Waal, sir, ef that thar boy hed been a copper-head now, he'd hev bit us, sure!" "He mought do that yit," said Amos Brierwood, with grim significance. "He hev been thar all this time, 'kase he air tied thar, don't ye see? An' he hev eyes, an' he hev ears.

An ill-natured person might turn on me; and where should I be then?" I did not press her, and she was good enough to put a bottle of porter at my right hand at dinner, for which I observed she made no charge. "But they advertise beer in the shop windows," I said to a man who was driving me "Scotch ale and bitter beer. A man can get drunk on them." "Waal, yes.

"I hev got no grist!" thundered Steve, sternly. "Waal ye're jes' ez welcome," said the miller, not noticing the rigid lines of the blacksmith's face, accented here and there by cinders, nor the fierceness of the intent dark eyes. "I reckon I'm powerful welcome!" sneered Stephen Ryder. The tone attracted "old Bob's" attention. "What ails ye, Steve?" he asked, surprised.

"They went in there yes." "H'm. Jest bring my shawl, Sairay. Come to think on't, I've got an arrant there myself this arternoon come nigh to disremembering it. Waal, good-day; why don't ye come over ever?

In the course of 1599 there was severe fighting on the swampy island between the rivers Waal and Maas, known as the Bommel-Waat, and a fresh attempt at invasion by the Spaniards was repulsed with heavy loss, Sir Francis Vere and the English troops taking a leading part in the operations. The success thus gained decided the States-general to undertake an offensive campaign in the following year.