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Je trouvai dans Cohongue Antoine Passerot, frère de ce Perrin Passerot que j'avois vu

"Alf, 'ow's this: 'Madamaselly, avay vu dee pang?" "Wot do you s'y for 'Gimme a tuppenny packet o' Nosegay'?" "'Bonjoor, Monseer! That ain't so dusty, Freddie, wot?" "Let's try that Marcelase again. You start it, 'Arry." "Let Nobby. 'E knows the sounds better'n wot I do." "'It 'er up, Nobby! We gotta learn that so we can sing it on the march." "Wite till I find it in me book. All right now

Infinite darkness above and beyond; but the lantern-beams danced far out over an unbroken circle of heaving and swirling black water. Stealthily, swiftly, the measureless sea-flood was rising. "Messieurs mesdames, ce n'est rien. Nothing serious, ladies, I assure you ... Mais nous en avons vu bien souvent, les inondations comme celle-ci; ca passe vite!

Therefore when you pick up a little American girl at an inn and bring her to us as a miracle, feel how standards alter. J'ai vu mieux que ca, mon cher. However, I accept everything to-day, as you know; when once one has lost one's enthusiasm everything's the same and one might as well perish by the sword as by famine." "I hoped she'd fascinate you on the spot," Gaston rather ruefully remarked.

George went on, 'that was old Mel. I'll swear to him. 'And that's how it began? murmured Lady Jocelyn. Mr. George nodded at his plate discreetly. 'Well, said Lady Jocelyn, leaning back, and lifting her face upward in the discursive fulness of her fancy, 'I feel I am not robbed. 'Il y a des miracles, et j'en ai vu'. One's life seems more perfect when one has seen what nature can do.

It seems to answer to mana in New Zealand and Melanesia, to wakan in North America, and to fée in old French, as when Perrault says, about Bluebeard's key, 'now the key was fée. All Gods are Kalou, but all things that are Kalou are not Gods. Gods are Kalou vu; deified ghosts are Kalou yalo.

She mused silently, while the little girl with the bare legs continued to croon to her doll with a kind of chant: "Dors, mon enfant, dors.... Ta mère ne reviendra plus ce soir.... Elle dîne avec le beau monsieur que tu as vu.... Elle te dira bonne nuit demain.... Dors; sois sage et dors"

That a gentleman who was not a fool should consent a little to become one for the sake of a celebrated actress or singer cela s'était vu, though it was not perhaps to be recommended. It was not a tendency that was encouraged at headquarters, where even the most rising young men were not incited to believe they could never fall.

In connection with this topic, the following anecdote was related by Mr. Adams: "As I was walking, this morning (in May, 1811), I was met by the emperor, who was also walking. As he approached he said, 'Monsieur Adams, il y a cent ans que je ne vous ai vu, and took me cordially by the hand. After some common observations, he asked me whether I intended to take a house in the country this summer. I said 'No; that I had for some time that intention, but I had given it up, 'And why? said he. I was hesitating upon an answer, when he relieved me from my embarrassment by saying, 'Peut-être sont-ce des considerations de finance. As he said it in perfect good humor, and with a smile, I replied, in the same manner, 'Mais, Sire, elles y sont pour une bonne partie. 'Fort bien, said he, 'vous avez raison. Il faut toujours proportionner la depense

If they illustrate the deja vu, they also illustrate the fond discrepancies of all such narratives. "It is said that a dream produced a powerful effect on Hone's mind.