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"Didn't I know that you vas veil able to take care of yourselves; and couldn't I do more good outside, vatching that none escaped? You come to think of the matter for a minute, and you vill see that I vos right, and you vos wrong."

Were there any who had reason to dislike him; had he made love to any of them? "Hugo make lofe to any gals in Carcajou!" exclaimed Stefan, holding a burning match in his fingers and letting it go out. "Hugo don't nefer make lofe to nobotty. Dere's McGurn's gal over to the store as looked like she vanted bad to make lofe to him; alvays runnin' after Hugo, she vos.

"The priest says, 'Ego conjungo vos'; and you are licensed to snap your fingers at everything that has bound you until that moment, as though the law of your marriage were your divorce from law." "That sounds clever," said Veronica; "but I do not believe it is." He laughed, indifferently; and after a moment or two, she looked at him, and smiled. "I did not mean to be so rude," she said.

These ideas most Polynesians have accepted in appearance, as they accept other ideas of the whites; in practice, they reduce it to a farce. I have heard the French resident in the Marquesas in talk with the French gaoler of Tai-o-hae: "Eh bien, ou sont vos prisonnieres? Je crois, mon commandant, qu'elles sont allees quelque part faire une visite." And the ladies would be welcome.

It sped round and round with such swiftness that it resembled a wheel of fire without the slightest break in the flaming periphery. "What can it mean?" asked the mystified Jack. "I vos told something apout afire dot vos to jump apout in one circle," was the remarkable statement of Otto. "What was it?" "I don't forgot him now," replied the German with the hesitating speech of one in doubt.

Den he pay me to take a writing to zee camp of zee great man of zee Company, but I not take eet becos I am afraid." "Who was this man?" asked Stane grimly, as the half-breed paused. "I not know; but he is zee ver' same man dat was to haf paid zee price of guns an' blankets for zee girl dat vos in zee cabin." "And who said I was to die?" "Oui! He order dat!

What is this black stuff mixed up with the tea? The Dutchman looked at it stupidly for a moment, then his mouth expanded from ear to ear, and he roared with laughter. 'Dunder und blixen, Aunt Loish, but dot vos a goot choke on you. Dot vos Gunpowder dee mitout any mishtake, and again he howled with laughter.

Rubens, Snyders, Paul de Vos, and many other Belgian artists had painted animals with wonderful ability, but they are surpassed by the Dutch painters, Van de Velde, Berchem, Karel du Jardin, and Paul Potter, the prince of animal painters, whose famous "Bull" in the gallery at the Hague deserves to be hung in the Louvre opposite Raphael's "Transfiguration."

When two of our sailors, who were from the Levant, were called upon to aid in pumping, they calmly replied facetelo vos, or Do it yourselves, when we were almost exhausted by fatigue, and the ship on the very point of going down.

A watch was consulted and they learned to their chagrin that it was half-past four. "I vos gitting hungry," came from Hans. "Don't say a word!" cried Tom. "I could eat a doughnut a month old." "Don't speak about it," put in Dick dryly. "It will only make you feel more hungry." Darkness was coming on rapidly, and all of the boys were beginning to despair when suddenly Dick gave a shout of joy.