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"You are quite sure you promised Vos Engo that you'd marry him?" "No. I did not promise him that I'd marry him," she said, leaning back and surveying him between narrowed lids. "I beg your pardon. You said you had promised " "You did not allow me time to finish. I meant to say that I had promised to let him know in a day or two. That is all, Mr. King."

'No, she isn't horrid, said Mysie stoutly; 'I only fancied her so when she used to say, "Vos coudes, mademoiselle," or "Redresses- vous," and when she would not let us whisper; but really and truly she was very, very kind, and I came to like her very much and see she was not cross -only thought it right.

"A picture of that treasure cave with us loading the treasure on the yacht." "Now you are talking, Tom!" cried his older brother. "We all want that. I am sorry we have been delayed here." "How long vos ve going to sthay here?" questioned Hans. "The repairs will take the best part of a week, so the ship builders said." "Ain't you afraid dot Sid Merrick got ahead of you?" "I don't know.

"Be thankful that it wasn't something worse, Hans," said Sam. "What would you do if you woke up and saw a big black bear standing beside your cot"? "I dink I cofer mine head kvick, Sammy." "But the bear might chew the cover up." "Den I vos rund for mine life und holler like sixty!" "Well, you want to keep your eyes open for bears," added Sam, thinking he scented fun ahead.

The coroner pondered. At length he said: "This object that Spatola carried under his coat, now. Could it have been a bayonet?" "No, no," said Berg with conviction. "It vos too big. It vos bigger as a half dozen bayonets already." This seemed the limit of Berg's knowledge of the night's happenings; a few more questions and then Stillman dismissed him.

"Vot vos it, then?" asked Beck, timidly lifting up the hangings, and noticing that there was a considerable space between them and the wall, which was filled up in part by closets and wardrobes set into the walls, with intervals more than deep enough for the hiding-place of a man. "Why," answered the valet, "it was a thief.

"Vive l'Angleterre! Vos soldats, ou sont ils, camarade?" Where were the English soldiers? It was always that question which sprang to their lips. But for a little while I could not answer. It was strange. There was no news of the crossing of the Expeditionary Force to France. In the French and English newspapers no word was said about any British soldiers on French soil.

Everybody pay dot. Last mont' I make forty-five dollars. They vos all glad to pay. They say I help them fine. I don't see vot you're kickin' about! Oh, these vimmins!" "It's blackmail! I wouldn't pay it, if it weren't for my father sitting waiting out there. But go ahead. Hurry!"

"Merciful goodness!" cried Frank, in pretended horror, as he hovered over Hans, also taking care to cling to his nose. "The whole top of his head is shot away!" The Dutch boy gave a wild, despairing wail. "Und you said dot feller vos goin' to run avay! Dunder und blitsens! I vos a fool dot I don'd run avay meinseluf pefore mein prains he shot oudt!" "Never mind," said Frank.

Alice, who had understood, found herself obliged to say that she had not understood, which little fib begot a little annoyance in her against her mother; and Milord, as if he thought that he had been guilty of a slight indiscretion, said, addressing himself to both girls: 'Gardez bien vos illusions, mon enfant, car les illusions sont le miroir de l'amour.