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This circumstance the husband duly noted in the case which he was building up against her. "I dare say he rather dropped out, socially speaking, after his escapade with that New York woman," he volunteered. "It was a pity." "The reports we had about his conduct," defended Conscience with a straightforward glance, "were grossly untrue.

"Oh, my poor boy!" exclaimed his mother. "I must go to him. Dr. Blake ought to be here." "There comes his car now," volunteered Belle. "I know the sound." Several events, of no particular importance now followed each other in rapid succession. It was Dr.

I accordingly volunteered for service, and carried her on my back; but when in the middle of the swamp, the tenacious bottom gave way, and I sank, and remained immoveably fixed, while she floundered froglike in the muddy water. I was extricated by the united efforts of several men, and she was landed by being dragged through the swamp.

That same afternoon Olson, having been informed of his friend's good fortune, volunteered a loan of a hundred dollars, and accompanied him to a fashionable tailor, where he underwent a pleasing metamorphosis.

None of the Twelve knew exactly what a renegade was, but it sounded unpleasant, and the men to whom the term was applied lost their tempers, and volunteered to clean out the club-room where they all sat for two cents. But the offenders either thought they could have more fun for less money, or hadn't the money, for they changed their tune, and the debate went on in a more peaceful manner.

"Can't we have something special for her to-night?" "How about a straw ride?" suggested Betty; "Mrs. Baird would let us it's Friday." "Oh, let's, and just ask the old girls who knew her," Angela hurried on her drawl for once discarded. "We'll get Mrs. Baird to chaperone, if we can." "I'll go ask her," Betty volunteered. "You go get the girls.

Worn out as the troops were, it was necessary at once to gain possession of Manassas, and the 21st North Carolina and 21st Georgia volunteered for the service, and, joined by Stuart with a portion of his cavalry, marched against it. After a brief contest the place was taken, the enemy stationed there being all taken prisoners.

I've been thinking about that. Mama might sanction some arrangement if she thought it would make me happy and there was no scandal. But I'll have to have time to talk to her. It can't be done right away." Eugene listened to this with considerable surprise, as he did to everything Suzanne volunteered. She seemed to have been thinking about these questions a long time.

Shortly afterwards Fitz came alongside, after a most successful foray among the fish-wives. He was sitting in the stern-sheets, up to his knees in vegetables, with seven elderly hens beside him, and a dissipated-looking cock under his arm, with regard to whose qualifications its late proprietor had volunteered the most satisfactory assurances.

Finally, I was forced to divulge the whole plot. The Admiral had a sailor's love for a joke, and entered at once and heartily into our scheme. He volunteered to prepare the fuses himself, and I left the labor in his hands, having bound him by several extraordinary oaths such as "Hope-I-may-die" and "Shiver-my-timbers" not to betray us, come what would. This was Monday evening.