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Force and the unconditional freedom of the individual, or Anarchy, are incompatible ideas, and therefore I am a Voluntarist, not an Anarchist a Voluntarist in all questions where Voluntarism is admissible; but I return into the State when by the nature of things some organisation is necessary." The answer is obvious: the inhabitants of Texas.

Whosoever does not suffer does not enjoy, just as whosoever is insensible to cold is insensible to heat. And it is also quite logical that Schopenhauer, who deduced pessimism from the voluntarist doctrine or doctrine of universal personalization, should have deduced from both of these that the foundation of morals is compassion.

The nominalist or positivist or voluntarist position of Scotus that which maintains that law and truth depend, not so much upon the essence as upon the free and inscrutable will of God by accentuating its supreme irrationality, placed religion in danger among the majority of believers endowed with mature reason and not mere coalheavers. Hence the triumph of the Thomist theological rationalism.

Indeed, that he had first given a theological illustration of the function of volition in knowing was merely an accident. But that the will to believe was capable of being generalized into a voluntarist theory of all knowledge was soon shown in Dr. Schiller's Axioms as Postulates. Every man, probably, is by instinct a dogmatist.

In fact, for a voluntarist like Schopenhauer, a theory so sanely and cautiously empirical and rational as that of Darwin left out of account the inward force, the essential motive, of evolution. For what is, in effect, the hidden force, the ultimate agent, which impels organisms to perpetuate themselves and to fight for their persistence and propagation?