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Je m'empresse de vous remercier de votre lettre et de vous dire tout le plaisir que la Comtesse de Paris et moi nous aurons a vous voir ici avec Madame et Mademoiselle Reeve.

I found her older, but still more charming, and touchingly humble. It cut me to the heart to hear her say: "C'est une vraie charite que vous me faites de venir me voir." Mlle. Guemain was profoundly affected, like everyone else, by what we were daily passing through during this time of heavy strain.

We walked on, stopping now and again to peer between the palings, when we heard, amidst the rattling of a cart and the jingling of bells, a chorus of voices: "A cheval, a cheval, pour aller voir ma mie, Lon, lon, la!" A shaggy Indian pony came ambling around the corner between the long shafts of a charette.

The imposing ceremonial, the Latin chants, the lighted tapers, the solemnity of the Sunday mass never failed to fill Urn with exaltation. In a little he began to sing: J'irai la voir un jour, M'asseoir pres de son trone, Recevoir ma couronne Et regner a mon tour ...

"Systême de la Nature," II. 102. M. CROUSSE, "Des Principes," Paris, 1846, pp. 81, 93: "Pour qui sait voir, le Monde sent, se ment, parle, et pense." "The Purpose of Existence," pp. 85, 89. London, 1850. "Letters on the Laws of Man's Nature and Development." By H. G. ATKINSON and HARRIET MARTINEAU. London, 1852. MR. MORELL, "History of Philosophy," II. 71.

I would also remember to my shame how I was pleased yesterday, to find the righteous maid of Magister Griffin sweeping of 'nostra' office, 'elle con the Roman nariz and bonne' body which I did heretofore like, and do still refresh me to think 'que elle' is come to us, that I may 'voir her aliquando'. This afternoon I am told again that the town do talk of my Lord Arlington's being to be Lord Treasurer, and Sir W. Coventry to be Secretary of State; and that for certain the match is concluded between the Duke of Richmond and Mrs.

En ce moment, il serait bien desirable, egalement en France et en Angleterre, de voir les moderes de nuances diverses se rapprocher, pour former un veritable parti conservateur: chez vous, anciens whigs et anciens tories; chez nous, les centres droits et les centres gauches.

"Put it down by that post, and sleep there for tonight, in the morning nous allons voir" directed the fencer. "You won't need a blanket," he added; and the doors clanged, the light and fencer disappeared. I needed no second invitation to sleep. Fully dressed, I fell on my paillasse with a weariness which I have never felt before or since.

«Des trous pratiqués dans le roc par les anciens aux endroits les plus commodes pour voir toute l'étendue de cette chûte prodigieuse, donnent le moyen d'observer sans risque la continuation des rochers qui s'avancent

I wanted to stay; I wanted to have "Meditations at the grave of Maupassant," to ponder on the irony of death, to think of the brilliant novelist, the lover of life, cut off in his pride, to lie amid perspectives of black and lavender beads. But my guardian would not let me. "Il n'y a rien a voir," he cried almost angrily, and haled me off to see the real treasures of his cemetery.