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Girls bare-headed, arm-in-arm, looked up at him and laughed, he was so long and lean and comical with his ugly lugubrious face and the little straw hat perched on top of his bushy carroty poll. He did not mind, being used to derision. In happier days he valued it, for the laugh would be accompanied by a nudge and a "Voila Auguste!" He took it as a tribute. It was fame.

The soeurs converses in the laundry were put on bread and water with prayers for a week, only for repeating some gossip they had heard concerning him." "Ay! that is because the venerable Mere Superior is touchy on the point of family, but I am not her nephew, voila la differance!" as the song says.

Glorious fires burned in the cooling skies and the sweet breath of autumn tingled in the air. There was comment, and the shaking of heads among the old trappers. The wrong time of year to take the long trail with women, the wrong time, but, bon Dieu! who was to stop that woman with the sombre eyes? Voila! A woman to thrill the blood in any man who was still warm with life!

The bear-rug was replaced around them, and the pony, which had stood as quiet as a lamb during the accident, started forward again. "Voila! von light," exclaimed the Canadian. At that moment they had rounded the corner of a high cliff, and come into view of Boulder Creek. There was just light enough to make the chaotic grandeur of the place visible in a ghostly degree.

My gran'mudder, she say, 'Voila, you can light your pipe with de eyes of dat Mathurin! She know. She say dat M'sieu' Mathurin's eyes dey shine in de dark. My gran'fadder he say he not need any lights on his cariole when Mathurin ride with him in de night. "Ah, sure! it is ver' true what I tell you all de time.

It was of the old-fashioned Shaker type, of delicate pongee silk, and showed off to advantage Cora's black, wavy fair, as it fell softly about her temples. "Es eet not becoming?" demanded madam, and then she became profuse in her native tongue. "Zat what you call Shaker eet is ze prettiest so chic voila!" and once more she patted it on Cora's head. Cora was very well pleased with it.

"You've been in her room you " Pierre put out his hand and stopped the word on Halby's lips. "Slow, slow," he said; "we are both police to-day. Voila! we must not fight. There is Throng and the girl to think of." Suddenly, with a soft fierceness, he added: "If I looked in her room, what of that? In all the North is there a woman to say I wrong her? No.

At first we thought that Monsieur was dead, but happily he was not, so we kindled a fire and rubbed Monsieur, and gave him hot tea, which has revived him. Voila! Perhaps Monsieur will take a little more hot tea?"

Voila, que c'est glorieuse, cette banniere la! H'ist it! h'ist it!" He was dancing with a rickety liveliness, his goatish legs and shriveled body giving him the look of an emaciated satyr.

I rose, and, without a word, I passed out at the wide door, and, without looking back, I passed down the slope in the dusk, and left them together the woman I had loved, and the friend I had lost! As his voice died away, he sat upright quickly, threw a glance about the circle, and, with another fine gesture said: "Et voila!"