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Victor de Mauleon knew that however innocent of the charges that had so long darkened his name, and however thanks to his rank, his manners, his savoir vivre, the aid of Louvier's countenance and the support of his own high-born connections he might restore himself to his rightful grade in private life, the higher prizes in public life would scarcely be within reach, to a man of his antecedents and stinted means, in the existent form and conditions of established political order.

"Absolutely, sir." "Hum!" said my uncle, putting on his hat. "I'll trouble you for that scrap of paper, Nephew. Thanks! Now let us go on. Your headache is better, I hope?" "Much better, sir. But pray take my coat, you are shivering." "Thank you, no there is nothing like the early morning, it fills one with a zest of life, the joie de vivre though I will admit I am seldom abroad at this hour."

His widow gave a dinner the next week, because she was afraid of being triste receives and appears on the Boulevards, because 'bon ami m'a dit qu'il fallait vivre. Her friends flatter themselves that her sensibility will not kill her, at the same time that it enables them to give agreeable parties.... My desire to see my child is stronger than my taste for Paris.

Talk of your joie de vivre. Albeit with a certain cramping sensation about the knees and calves slowly forcing itself upon his attention. Now you must understand that Mr. Hoopdriver was not one of your fast young men. If he had been King Lemuel, he could not have profited more by his mother's instructions. He regarded the feminine sex as something to bow to and smirk at from a safe distance.

I had two packs of hounds, and took the field in the season four times a week, with three gentlemen in my hunt-uniform to follow me, and open house at Hackton for all who belonged to the hunt. These changes and this train de vivre required, as may be supposed, no small outlay; and I confess that I have little of that base spirit of economy in my composition which some people practise and admire.

"She loved nothing passionately, not even virtue," says one of her critics. There was a certain method in her simplicity. She carried to perfection the art of savoir vivre, and though she claimed freedom of thought and action, it was always strictly within conventional limits. She suffered the fate of all celebrities in being occasionally attacked.

By the sound of their steps I guess'd one or two of these dozen rascals to be pretty far gone in drink, and afterward found this to be the case. I look'd round. Sir Deakin had pick'd up the lamp and was mixing his bowl of punch, humming to himself without the least concern "Vivre en tout cas C'est le grand soulas" with a glance at his daughter's face, that was white to the lips, but firmly set.

Then Drummond's useful at half." "Jolly useful," said Trevor. "I thought he would be. I recommended you last year to keep your eye on him." "Decent chap, Drummond," said Clowes. "About the only one there is left in the place," observed Allardyce gloomily. "Our genial host," said Clowes, sawing at the cake, "appears to have that tired feeling. He seems to have lost that joie de vivre of his, what?"

Shall we go in and have a bit of supper? Then I will see Mrs. Bradford and Miss Ethel home." But as they walked away, he could not refrain from casting a backward glance at the decent woman struggling with her unruly air-balloons, and a sense of disappointed joie de vivre came over him once more. "I wish to goodness the whole bag o' tricks would blow away into the sea," he said.

In a word, it is General A y, of the artillery, at present Director of that scientific establishment, called the DEPOT DE LA GUERRE. He invited me the day before yesterday to breakfast, with a view of meeting some of his friends whom he had purposely assembled. I am not fond of breakfasting from home; mais il faut vivre a Rome comme a Rome.