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But I tried to turn her mind 'round by showin' her a letter I'd jest got from Maggie, my son, Thomas Jefferson's wife, tellin' me that her sister Molly, who had been visitin' a college friend in the South, had come home much sooner than she had been expected and seemed run down and most sick.

"The last thing I remember before we went to that Turkish bath was us four visitin' a fortune teller an' havin' our fortunes told, past, present, an' future, for a dollar a throw. Anybody here remember what his fortune was?" It appeared that no one remembered, not even Mr. Gibney. He therefore continued: "The chair will app'int Mr.

"Then we tried bringin' up children, and lumberin' an' roads, an' cookin', an' crops, an' stock, an' wages, an' schools, an' gardenin', but we couldn't touch bottom nowhere. Never a word to be had out'n her. So we give up and now we just sit like stotin' bottles, an' eat an' do our visitin' with each other odd minutes afterward." "Why, she don't look to be half-witted," said the other.

For that's one of the things we have to look out for when Auntie's visitin' us, to keep Buddy away from her. Not that there's anything vicious about Buddy. Not at all.

"This is private property and must be respected," went on Jack. "Besides, the house is now a hospital, for there are six wounded Confederates inside, in charge of a surgeon." The guerrilla muttered something under his breath. "Come on, anyhow!" shouted somebody in a rear rank. "It looks like a house worth visitin'!" "Try to enter the house and we will shoot!" went on Jack, his face growing white.

Now an' then, thar's a visitin' gent in town who can onfold a story. In sech event he's made a lot of, an' becomes promptly the star of the evenin'. "Thar's a Major Sayres we meets up with once in Wolfville, he's thar on cattle matters with old man Enright an' I recalls how he grows absorbin' touchin' some of his adventures in that War.

"Momma ain't back," said Vada, her eyes round and wondering. "She'll be right along presently," lied Sunny. "'Ess," declared Jamie, "an' an' we go find 'piders an' an' bugs." Vada nodded. "Lots an' lots." "That's to-morrow," said Sunny, taking his cue wonderingly. "Poppa ain't back neither," protested Vada. "He's gone visitin'," said Sunny. "Maybe he'll be late.

Burke, who came to offer assistance. "Don't bother to fuss for me," she said as he hastened to remove some books and clothes from a chair, so that she might sit down. "I only came up for a moment to see if there was anything I could do. Think you can make yourself pretty comfortable here? I call this room 'the prophet's chamber, you know, because it's where I always put the visitin' parsons."

He's got no time for visitin' an' gossipin'. Us must keep still a bit an' try to look as if us was grass an' trees an' bushes. Then when he's got used to seein' us I'll chirp a bit an' he'll know us'll not be in his way." Mistress Mary was not at all sure that she knew, as Dickon seemed to, how to try to look like grass and trees and bushes.

"I axed the man where you was and he said you was visitin' his house and wanted to show him something you had in the case." "Do you know what I think?" exclaimed Dave. "I think this is the work of Link Merwell!" "Yes, and Job Haskers," added Phil. "They are working together." "But why did they steal my suit-case?" asked Roger. "Do you suppose ?" He stopped short, for strangers were about.